
Menu item for Chronoforms 4 iphone browser

wmuckell 06 Apr, 2011
I have a new installation of Joomla 1.6.1 and Chronoforms 4.

When I went to add a menu item to a form that I have build the option to add a chronoform was not there? Therefore I used an external link instead and use the link the chronoform I have built.

That works fine in most browsers, but for some reason it does not appear in safari on an iphone and I cannot figure out why.

Any ideas is the site and the menu is the enquiries one
GreyHead 06 Apr, 2011
Hi wmuckell,

There's a bug in the RC1.7 installer that missed the menu load folder. Please check the RC1.7 bugs thread in this forum for a link to the fix.

No idea about Safari links though :-(

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