
wizzard step 3 problem

arjandevries 06 Apr, 2011

I use cf chronocontact V3.2 and CF plugin V3.1 RC5.2

In step 3 I would to set up my emails. I made two boxes. One where the email is send to me and one where the mail is send to the sender of the mail (a conformation mail).

Now the strangest thing! The first time I set up the email I could fill it in. I could use the add field and I could pick the items. I could write titles etc.

Now I would like to make some changes and everything is gone in step 3 and I cannot use the add field (I can click it, I can select but nothing happens) I also cannot get my cursor in the template field.

Very frustrating!

What to do?

GreyHead 06 Apr, 2011
Hi Arjan,

You probably have the MooTools Upgrade Plugin enabled. This is an optional plug-in that enables the MooTools 1.2 library on your site.

ChronoForms v3 (and many other Joomla! extensions) use the MooTools 1.1.2 library that is installed by default. The ChronoForms Wizard, and other back-end code will not run with the plugin enabled.

If you disable the plug-in then ChronoForms v3 should run correctly.

Note ChronoForms v4 requires MooTools 1.2 and need the plug-in enabled.

If you are using ChronoForms v3 and need MooTools 1.2 in the front-end of your site then there is a hack for the plug-in posted in the forums here that will enable the 1.2 library in the front-end only. However the ChronoForms validation code and some other features will not work with this version.

There's a fuller "How-to Document" here that includes fixed files that will let the front-end of ChronoForms v 3.2 work with MooTools 1.2.

arjandevries 06 Apr, 2011
I am sorry,

The plugin is disabled!

When I make a new form, I can fill in step three!
When I save it and want to adjust, It is all gone and I cannot change it anymore!

GreyHead 06 Apr, 2011
Hi Arjan,

Makes no sense to me :-(

By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

GreyHead 06 Apr, 2011
Hi Arjan,

It seems to be working Ok for me. I had not problem editing the 'test' form Email Setup either from Wizard Edit, or from the Form Editor.

What exactly do you do to get the error?

arjandevries 06 Apr, 2011

I discovered something.
When I do it in IE it works. I see what you have done!
When I do it in Firefox (I usualy use this) I see a blank field in step three!

So my conclusion is: Firefox is the bad guy!

Next question: What to do about it!!!!


GreyHead 06 Apr, 2011
Hi Arjan,

I used FireFox to edit your form with no problems.

arjandevries 06 Apr, 2011

I upgraded Firefox to version 4 and the problems are solved!

Thanks for all your help!

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