
Could not instantiate mail function

Wulfstan 05 Apr, 2011
Hi, I'm getting the error:

Could not instantiate mail function

Debug mode is reporting:

Form passed first SPAM check OK
Form passed the submissions limit (if enabled) OK
Form passed the Image verification (if enabled) OK
Form passed the server side validation (if enabled) OK$_POST Array: Array ( [text_1] => test [text_2] => [email][/email] [text_3] => test [chrono_verification] => WSgxc [button_5] => Submit [24dcf6d77bd12673bf630fe8a4163296] => 1 [1cf1] => a27a44b12278e1bb5622e9e1b0deabf5 [chronoformname] => contact_me )
$_FILES Array: Array ( )
Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK
An email has been SENT successfully from (Webmaster) to [email][/email]
Debug End

However no email is received. Is there a setting I've missed or is this something to do with the hosting server?
GreyHead 05 Apr, 2011
Hi Wulfstan,

In theory this means that the Joomla! mailer couldn't find a configured mail server. In practice it seems to cover a range of mail-server related errors :-(

Does the domain part of the From Email address - in your post -- match the site domain?

Wulfstan 06 Apr, 2011

It does but the first part I just put in. I don't know if they have a "webmaster" email account, so used it as a stand in. Would that matter?
Wulfstan 06 Apr, 2011
Quick update. I've had the webmaster account set up but still doing the same thing.
GreyHead 06 Apr, 2011
Hi wulfstan,

It doesn't matter if the From Email account exists, just that the domain name matches - it's a filter to prevent relaying.

Please run the debug once again and post the 'dummy email' results part (or PM to me if you prefer).

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