
Image Select from 'dropdown'

simong 05 Apr, 2011
Hi Bob and Max
Vs 4 is great!! Though this is hopefully a pretty basic solution that I am hoping you can just point out where my error is...
I wish to have a dropDown menu that selects a small thumbnail. With 'onChange' the thumbnail changes to match the selection.

The Javascript is:

function showimage()
if (!document.images)

This I have put into the "load JS" tab/pane in the ACTIONS panel.

and the HTML is:

<td width="50%"><form name="mygallery"><p>
<select name="picture" size="1" onChange="showimage()">
<option selected value="images/tmp_thmb/style1.jpg">Style No.1</option>
<option selected value="images/tmp_thmb/style2.jpg">Style No.2</option>
<option selected value="images/tmp_thmb/style3.jpg">Style No.3</option>
<td width="50%"><p align="center"><img src="images/tmp_thmb/style1.jpg" name="pictures" width="98" height="60"></td>

This has gone into a "Custom Element" through the "Form Wizard" panel

A single image loads and the dropDown appears as it should; though the script is not being taken up.

Question: Can you see any errors... am I putting these elements into the right areas

TIA - Simon
GreyHead 06 Apr, 2011
Hi simong,

Here's a version that appears to work.
Form HTML (added ids and removed the JavaScript):
JHTML::_( 'behavior.mootools' );
  <td width="50%">
    <select name="picture" id="picture" size="1" >
      <option selected value="images/tmp_thmb/style1.jpg">Style No.1</option>
      <option selected value="images/tmp_thmb/style2.jpg">Style No.2</option>
      <option selected value="images/tmp_thmb/style3.jpg">Style No.3</option>
  <td width="50%"><p align="center">
    <img src="images/tmp_thmb/style1.jpg" name="pictures" id="pictures" width="98" height="60">

window.addEvent('domready', function() {
  $('picture').addEvent('change', showImage);
function showImage()
  $('pictures').src = $('picture').value;

simong 07 Apr, 2011
Ahhh.. your amazing Bob

Worked a charm. Thanks... how many cases is that now???? 😀
monak83 28 Jun, 2011
HI Bob;
your solution seems doesn't works under Internet fix the problem?
Thanks so much
GreyHead 28 Jun, 2011
Hi monak83,

Please post a link to the form so we can take a quick look.

monak83 30 Jun, 2011
Hi Bob,
I have a problem: in my form I have used the VALUE to put a number that I need to do some calculus like here:

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_dropdown">
    <label class="cf_label" style="width: 195px;">Tipo</label>
    <select class="cf_inputbox validate-selection" id="select_2" size="1" title="Effettua una scelta!"  name="tipo" onChange="updatethis(this.form);displaydesc(document.poster.select_2, thetext1, 'textcontainer1')">
<option value="">Clicca per scegliere</option>
<option value="1">Manifesti 6x3</option>
<option value="2">Manifesti 4x2</option>
<option value="3">Manifesti 400x300</option>
<option value="4">Manifesti 140x200</option>
<option value="5">Manifesti 100x140</option>
<option value="6">Manifesti 70x100</option>
<option value="295">Manifesti 70x100 stampa offset 600pz</option>
<option value="415">Manifesti 70x100 stampa offset 1000pz</option>
<option value="495">Manifesti 70x100 stampa offset 1500pz</option>
<option value="7">Misure personalizzate</option>
    <a class="tooltiplink" onclick="return false;"><img height="16" border="0" width="16" class="tooltipimg" alt="" src="components/com_chronocontact/css/images/tooltip.png"/></a>
				<div class="tooltipdiv">Tipo :: Stampa a colori con inchiostri per esterni su carta da affissione 120gr</div>

I can't replace the value with the image path because if I do that I can't calculate some things.

Ho can I do to show the image for each option of my select?


GreyHead 30 Jun, 2011
Hi monak83,

Then I think you need to add a data array so tha tyou can look up the image name from the number.
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
  $('picture').addEvent('change', showImage);
function showImage()
  var images = new Array();
  images[1] = 'some_image_1.jpg';
  images[2] = 'some_image_2.jpg';
  images[3] = 'some_image_3.jpg';
  images[4] = 'some_image_4.jpg';
  // . . .
  $('pictures').src = '/path/to/images/folder/'+images[$('picture').value];

monak83 09 Aug, 2011
Hi bob for the images I have another idea:
I have a SWITCH / CASE to set-up some variables from select like here:

var tipo1 = form.elements['tipo_nolavorazioni'].value;
switch (tipo1) {
   case "1":
    costo_tiponolav = 7.5;
    peso = 0.45;
	foto = 'cherry.jpg';
  case "2":
    costo_tiponolav = 10;
    peso = 0.45;
	foto = 'pears.jpg';
   case "3":
    costo_tiponolav = 10.8;
    peso = 0.5;
	foto = 'peas.jpg';
   case "4":
    costo_tiponolav = 13;
    peso = 0.5;
	foto = 'strawberry.jpg';

   case "5":
    costo_tiponolav = 21;
    peso = 0.68;
	foto = 'strawberry.jpg';
   case "6":
    costo_tiponolav = 21;
    peso = 0.45;
	foto = 'strawberry.jpg';
   case "7":
    costo_tiponolav = 10;
    peso = 0.45;
	foto = 'strawberry.jpg';

How can I make a js function to show images from variable "foto" without create an array like you have send to me?

Thanks so much.

monak83 09 Aug, 2011
I'm trying also using your ARRAY code but dosen't works.
Can you help me?
Thanks so much
monak83 09 Aug, 2011
Sorry Bib,
I found the solution and I used you array code.
It dosen't works because I took at name tag of the form and not at ID tag.
Thanks so much.
monak83 09 Aug, 2011
Hi Bob, the last thing:
How can I dosen't shown any image until I select an option in my dropdown?
GreyHead 11 Aug, 2011
Hi monak83,

I'd probably use JavaScript to set/hide the visibility of the image space.

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