I knew this is a question which someone asked and answered(more than a year ago), i tried to google search to know know to connect ChromeForms and Zoo(Yootheme) and found it, but i have not many knowlegde about code so i wanna ask how to do that.
This is the quote "Connect ChronoForm with Zoo":
Create a custom Zoo element !!important!! (documentation: http://www.yootheme.com/docs/home/item/create-a-custom-element) which should do the following: Show a submit button to a form with an ID (this way we can duplicate the element and connect it to a different form ID). On submit it should take you to the specified form where it will show the name of the product in the first line (CSS editable), this name can be taken from the zoo database field (trav_zoo_item, column name). The code which will be added to the chronoforms form must be documented so we can copy it in future forms. The Zoo element is for the Zoo Product App and can be named submit_bike and can therefore be placed in media/zoo/applications/product/elements/submit_bike/. Website is: http://www.frieslandhollandtravel.nl form name to attch to: mother_form
Could any1 pls tell me step by step to do that? Im now using yootheme and zoo, have paid ChronoForms, and wanna use it with zoo but unlucky that ChronoForm is not working in Zoo category.
I just want in every post can include a contact form which every ppls can contact me via email.
Maybe this is a hard issue but anyway, thanks for reading.