
Multiple Autoresponder Over 2 weeks

synergystudios 05 Apr, 2011
Hi Guys

I have a client currently using chronoforms and after someone submits a form it sends out the form details to the owner and also an email to the customer.

My client now wants to have the same instant email to the customer but also another 2 emails (3 emails in total) that get sent to the customer over 2 weeks.

We are running on a linux server with cron enabled

If you are capable and a professional developer please PM me. would prefer someone in Australia. a regular and trusted member of this forum is a must.

synergystudios 05 Apr, 2011
also any other ideas on how to do this is fine. we dont necessarily need to use chronoforms,

could we use acymailing enterprise to do the process?
GreyHead 05 Apr, 2011
Hi synergystudios,

You could do this with ChronoForms plus a cron job. Probably not the best solution.

From a quick look at their site AcyMailing Enterprise version will do this - you need the "Create follow-up auto-responder campaigns" feature which is only available at this level and up.

Unless this is a very big programme probably your best solution is to use a free MailChimp account (free up to 2000 addresses I think). They support autoresponders timed for x days after signup.

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