
Anti Spam Not Showing

LikeStuff 04 Apr, 2011
Joomla 1.6.1
Chrono Forms 4.0 RC1.7

This new version is a bit tricky. Anyway, I clicked on the "Anti Spam" tab and enabled "Check Captcha" but the code is not showing. I have the code below in my html code: {imageverification}. What am I missing please.

Thank you.
GreyHead 05 Apr, 2011
Hi LikeStuff,

You need a Captcha Input form Element; a Load Captcha Action in the OnLoad Events and a Check Captcha action in the OnSubmit Events.

LikeStuff 05 Apr, 2011
Hi GreyHead,

Thanks for helping out.

I had the two last options set-up correctly. The first one (Captcha Input form Element) is tricky as it says my form is custom so I cannot use it. Please see attached pic. So when I drag it over it does not save it.
GreyHead 06 Apr, 2011
Hi Likestuff,

The Captcha Element code is now
<div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_text" id="enter_the_code_container_div">
  <label>Enter the code</label>
  <input maxlength="5" size="5" class="chrono_captcha_input" type="text" value="" name="chrono_verification" />{chronocaptcha_img}
  <div class="clear"></div>
  <div id="error-message-chrono_verification"></div>
So it looks as though you need to include at least {chronocaptcha_img} to show the image.

LikeStuff 07 Apr, 2011
Thanks for the code.

1. The form does not work when I add it to the menu but when I click on "Frontend view" it works. Any idea why that would be?

2. I add "Auto Server Side Validation" as an event and add all the fields that are required, eg: Name, Email, etc... I also add the same fields in the "Not Empty" box but the validation seems to be ignored.

Thanks again for all your help!!
GreyHead 08 Apr, 2011
Hi LikeStuff,

No idea about menus; there is another thread about that. In my limited testing they appear to work OK.

The Auto ServerSide Validation probably needs Event Loop and Show Stopper actions in the OnFail Event.

LikeStuff 08 Apr, 2011
Thank you. The validation seems to be working now.
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