I'm interested in using the multi page plugin for Chronoforms, but I can't seem to find a download link anywhere. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Hi Ant,
It's one of the plug-ins in the left hand column of the Forms Manager for ChronoForms v 3.2 (there isn't a muti-page action for CFv4 yet).
Great! I spent my afternoon looking for this plugin for V.4 and I just found your post.
Thank you... any updates about this plugin, I really need it.
Hi dasp16,
There isn't a multi-page plug-in ut you can get the same results using the 'Data to Session' and 'Session to Data' actions to carry the data forward from one form to the next.
Does anyone know if they have created the plug-in for the left hand column of the Forms Manager for ChronoForms v 4 yet?
Hi techbranch,
I'm sorry but I don't understand your question?