
Chronoforms registration form to override Joomla's

ktjones06 03 Apr, 2011

I am in university doing my final year dissertation and have to have my website finished in about 2 weeks.

I've followed a tutorial to create a registration form to override the joomla default 'create account'

I've followed it step by step and entered everything correctly. I tested the form by entering some data and clicking on submit. It then comes up with an error saying please enter your name? I have entered a name into the name field so I don't understand why this is happening. I've tried un-ticking the 'required' box in the validation area for this field. I don't know what else to try!

Could someone please help me, I'm reaching the deadline quickly and starting to stress

GreyHead 04 Apr, 2011
Hi Katie,

Which version of ChronoForms are you using?

The most likely explanation is that there is a typo in the Joomla! Registration plug-in configuration and the Name input doesn't exactly match the name of the input in your form.

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