
Publishing forms with other Joomla modules

nicholashg 31 Mar, 2011
Thanks to all for J1.6 component - everything running smoothly.

As forms are not yet available as menu objects in J1.6, it seems that forms need to be accessed from links within Joomla articles. This is not a particular problem but it creates a layout difficulty.

In my 3-column template, forms appear in the main content area as I would have expected.

I'm trying to publish modules in both left and right columns along with the form, partly to reduce the overall width of the form without fiddling any more with the css. The module in the right column is published 'On all pages' and appears alongside the form. The module on the left is published 'On all pages except those selected' and does not appear alongside the form, even though it's set to publish in the page from which the form is linked.

Is there a workaround?

Max_admin 31 Mar, 2011
Hi Nick,

I can create a new menu item of type "Chronoforms" fine here on my J1.6.1 installation, so creating menu items should work fine, I click the "select" button in the "Menu Manager: New Menu Item" page and the light box shows all possible options including "Chronoforms"

Please show me a screenshot of yours if it doesn't work.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
nicholashg 31 Mar, 2011
Hi Max,
As you can see, the Chronoforms option isn't there on my installation (worked fine on J1.5).
Max_admin 31 Mar, 2011
Hi Nick,

I see, I forgot to fix this issue in the installer XML file, please extract the installer ZIP package and upload the "views" folder to this path:

that should fix it!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
nicholashg 31 Mar, 2011
Great, thank you Max (I wish everything was so simple).
4est 07 Apr, 2011
Hello everyone

Max, it didn't fix it completely for me:

After copying the missing folder I can add forms in the menu, but they don't work.
After filling submitting the form, I keep getting the same page, with no errors. And no action is taken (send mail)

However if I access the forms as external links, everything works ok


DamirK 07 Apr, 2011
Same here... I aded "views", worked for the menu, but now after clicking on SUBMIT, no action...
GreyHead 08 Apr, 2011

The menus seem to be working for me. At least I see the debug data and thank you page and an email is sent.

You need the form name in the Basic Options | Form Name box and leave the Event box empty (or add load) unless you want to directly access another Event*.


* You might do this if you just wanted to execute actions - build a backup file, send an email, etc. - without needing any user data.
4est 08 Apr, 2011
I have the form name, otherwise it wouldn't show
No action

But as I said, submitting the form just reloads the page (with user data in place), with no errors
GreyHead 08 Apr, 2011
Hi Dan,

Please take a Form Backup using the icon in the Forms Manager and post it here (as a zipped file) or PM or email it to me and I'll take a closer look.

nicholashg 08 Apr, 2011
Just to say I am experiencing exactly the same issue - forms fine when loaded from the 'Frontend view' link but no OnSubmit functions when loaded from a menu item (Chronoforms Display Form).
cmateron 08 Apr, 2011

I just try to use the load event in the Menu side of the form and it does not work. The form reloads with the information but is not sending.

If I use submit then the form works but shows a message on the top and bottom of the form

How can this be corrected?

4est 08 Apr, 2011
Here is my form, but I doubt it's something wrong with it, as it works in "frontend view"


here, I've posted it onlnine for the weekend, you can see it not working
But if you use the upper menu "formular garantii..." where is accessed as fronend view link, it works

rapcal 09 Apr, 2011
Same problem here. Form works from the "frontend view" backend link, but not when loaded from menu item.

I have no idea if this helps, but I've noticed that the backend link points to "index.php?option=com_chronoforms&chronoform=whatever_the_name_of_the_form", while "index.php?option=com_chronoforms&view=form".

Can't it be that this "view" part of the link is what is being malformed?
GreyHead 09 Apr, 2011
Hi 4est,

Thanks, I restored your form and it works perfectly both from the front-end link and from a menu item. I still have no idea what causes this problem :-(

GreyHead 09 Apr, 2011
Hi cmateron,

The image links you posted give me 404 Not Found errors.

nicholashg 09 Apr, 2011
Does 'Restore Forms' fix this problem then?
What does 'Restore Forms' actually do? I'm reluctant to hit such a grand sounding option for fear of losing something and in the absence of any help information …
GreyHead 09 Apr, 2011
Hi Nick,

Save Forms saves a copy of the selected forms (or all the forms if none is checked); Restore Forms does the reverse, creates a new from from a saved one. It does nothing to your existing forms.

Here it's just a way for me to look at the form and form settings without needing admin access.

nicholashg 09 Apr, 2011
Thanks, that all works perfectly.

I'm still struggling to understand why forms don't submit when accessed via a menu item. I've noticed a difference in the form action tags when the same form is accessed in different ways:

When accessed from 'Frontend view', the tag reads
form action=" option=com_chronoforms&chronoform=psplaywright&event=submit"

When accessed via menu item Chronoforms Display Form, the tag reads
form action=""

Could this have any bearing on why the menu item form doesn't work?
GreyHead 10 Apr, 2011
Hi Nick,

Those are pretty much what I would expect to see. The Joomla! menu code handles replacing the menu url with the ChronoForms one. The event=submit is correct; and the ItemID=526 identifies it as a menu related url.

I can't replicate this problem - at least not yet - so am struggling to know what causes it :-(

rapcal 11 Apr, 2011
Hi Bob,

I've noticed 4est form has no "DB Save" action, and maybe having this action is what giving us the problem. Dunno, since the RMA form replicates the problem on my machine too.

Anyway, I'm uploading my simple form (linked to jos_contact_details) to see if you can replicate.

Again -- everything working fine when accessed through the "Frontend View" link from the backend, but doesn't submit when accessed through a menu in the frontend.


Raphael (the CompleteForms guy ;-)
GreyHead 11 Apr, 2011
Hi Rapcal,

It submits OK here and saves to the database :-(

By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

Max_admin 11 Apr, 2011
Hi Rapcal,

Did you apply the event fix posted some where here on the forums ? but I believe that bug only affected the Load event but not the submit one.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
burner81 11 Apr, 2011
Hi, i've the same problem here... uploaded the views folder and can add to the menu but if i try to send the form it's like if i refresh the captcha and nothing more. All data remains but nothing happend, no mail sent, no thanks message etc... If i open the form from the "frontend view" link in the admin. panel it work, from the site nothing happen. Hope you can help me 😑
rapcal 11 Apr, 2011

I'm just developing locally for the moment and playing around with ChronoForms before I actually use it on a live project. But thanks again for your prompt reply, as usual.


No, I haven't applied that fix. Will search the forums for it. Thank you!

mariokrupik 13 Apr, 2011

I had the same Problem, so I created a small Form in the Wizard to look what v4 usually creates.
So when I accessed the Form with index.php?option=com_.....
everything worked fine, but through the SEF Menu Link, the Submit routine didn't work.

Then I applied the Event Patch in components/com_chronoforms/chronoforms.php on line 34
      $event = $params->get('event');

And it seems that this did the Job.

nicholashg 13 Apr, 2011
Thank you mariokrupik - I can confirm that solved the problem.
GreyHead 13 Apr, 2011
Hi both,

Thanks mariokrupik, I hadn't remembered that fix :-( My test site is running without SEF URLs which explains why I couldn't replicate the menu item error.

rapcal 14 Apr, 2011
Yep! +1 - I can confirm that this fixes the issue. Thanks a lot, mariokuprik!
4est 14 Apr, 2011
it still doesn't work for me, can you tell me exactly where you inserted the code?

nicholashg 14 Apr, 2011
I replaced this
	$params = $mainframe->getPageParameters('com_chronoforms');
	$formname = $params->get('formname');
	$event = $params->get('event');

With this
	$params = $mainframe->getPageParameters('com_chronoforms');
	$formname = $params->get('formname');
   $event = $params->get('event');

… it seems to be OK.
4est 15 Apr, 2011
thanks. indeed it works now
nicholashg 22 Apr, 2011
I have just noticed that following my own (!) suggestions in the post above, I have lost access to forms from the Forms Manager 'Frontend view' link. The error has reappeared (it probably never went away, I just didn't test it). The only way I can access forms now is via Chronoforms Display Form.

Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in / … /chronoforms.php on line 36

Seems to be one thing or the other - can anyone help to get this code ironed out?
GreyHead 22 Apr, 2011
Hi nicholashg,

You should probably upgrade to RC1.8 and this may be fixed.

I suspect that the problem you are seeing is that if $formname is defined then the line defining $params isn't executed and so the later $params->get() fails.

DamirK 27 Apr, 2011
Yes that helps, but now when you go to Frontend view this is the error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /www/.../components/com_chronoforms/chronoforms.php on line 36


Link looks like this:
Max_admin 29 Apr, 2011
Hey guys,

This error should not exist if you have RC1.8, and you will not need that fix either because that was for RC1.7, so please upgrade to RC1.8 then let us know.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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