
Fatal error: Please Help to Resolve this Issue 29 Mar, 2011
Hi all,

After installing ChronoForms on a XAMPP server thru the extension manager and then selecting Forms-Management from Components->Chrono-Forms I keep getting the following error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getUserStateFromRequest() on a non-object in C:\Program Files\XAMPP\xampp\htdocs\Joomla\administrator\components\com_chronocontact\admin.chronocontact.php on line 844


could anyone help resolve this?
GreyHead 29 Mar, 2011
Hi [email][/email] ,

Which versions of Joomla! & ChronoForms are you using please.

Bob 30 Mar, 2011
ChronoForms V3.2.0 was installed over a CLEAN Joomla v1.6 installation. (the FIRST extension install)

I wonder if any PHP Guru who can read that line of PHP code could resolve the issue?

line 844:
$limit = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option.'.limit', 'limit', $mainframe->getCfg('list_limit'), 'int');   
stormfollower 30 Mar, 2011
I too have this error. Running XAMPP, Joomla v 1.6 (fresh install w/ Samples), ChronoComments 1.2 (which appears to have been designed for Joomla v1.5, dunno if this is the issue or if it's somethign w/XAMPP).

Let me know what else I can do to help track this down.
GreyHead 30 Mar, 2011
Hi both,

Neither ChronoForms v3.2 nor ChronoComments will run on Joomla! 1.6

We expect a release of ChronoForms for Joomla! 1.6 any day now; I have no idea about ChronoComments.


Later: Max released ChronoForms for Joomla! 1.6 today
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