
Chronoform Joomla Registration Issue

kannansreenivas 25 Mar, 2011
Im using J!1.5.22 along with ChronoForms_V3.2.0
I have used Chronoforms for creating custom forms and was Great. First Time, Using as Registration Form for J!.
For a test Purpose, I have Created a form

Proceeded all as in the Tutorial
Let me give the username and pass too as follows for J! Admin panel ( Its a test site)
User: admin
Pass : hardik

When submitting form, I get a pink color shade and no comments on that. The user not getting in to data base.

Also, Please let me know to which data base i have to connect ? jose_user? or the database created for the form? The form is synchronised as in the tutorial.
Please hel me asap
Thanks in advance
GreyHead 25 Mar, 2011
Hi kannansreenivas,

Is this the latest ChronoForms version 3.2?

If so there's a bug in the File upload code. Please see this post.

You should not link a DB Connection to the jos_users table, the regristration plug-in will handle this.

If you have other information that you need to save you should do that in a new, separate table.

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