
Chronoforms and Aweber

robgraham 24 Mar, 2011
Hey Greyhead et al:

I'm trying to figure out how to create a data bridge between Chronoforms and Awebers's DB. In short, I currently have an Aweber form on my Joomla website ( because I really want the autoresponder email feature that they offer. The challenge is that I also want to be able to provide those registering on the site with an email recap of the data they have provided. I also want to get an email alert every time somebody signs up with the data they submitted.

My thought was to replace the Aweber for with a Chronoforms form and then have the collected data sent on to Aweber's backend so I can get the benefits of the customized email follow ups from Chronoforms and the autoresponder emails form Aweber.

Unfortunatly, I'm not sure how the data can be passed. I'm been poking around for some insight on the web for a while but am not finding any thing current that can help with this. Is there a direction anybody can point me in that might help?

Thanks in advance.

Rob Graham
GreyHead 24 Mar, 2011
Hi robgraham,

Please check this article from The ChronoForms Book. The example used is iContact but the principles should work OK with aWeber.

robgraham 28 Mar, 2011
Hi Bob:

Thanks for that. It helped shove me in the right direction. I also now have a copy of your book to teach me all the goodies.

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