
Upload file and send email + attachement problem

gargantouas 21 Mar, 2011
Hi everyone.
First thanks a lot for a great component for joomla, it really is a great way to build forms.
Though I have two problems on a specific form i have created.
1. The file upload and the attachment. I have set an upload field for someone to upload a doc or a pdf and the upload thing does not work. Here isthe debug info

   1. Form passed first SPAM check OK
   2. Form passed the submissions limit (if enabled) OK
   3. Form passed the Image verification (if enabled) OK
   4. Form passed the server side validation (if enabled) OK
   5. $_POST Array: Array ( [name] => dfdfd [surname] => dfdf [select_7] => Άνδρας [text_12] => dfdfdf [text_13] => dfdf [text_18] => dfdf [text_20] => dfdf [text_21] => dfdf [text_22] => dfdf [text_23] => dfdf [text_25] => dfdf [text_26] => dfdf [client_email] => dfdfd@dfdfd.kl [button_6] => Αποστολή [34ca02efd51a57521aa5e3088f2a18a7] => 1 [1cf1] => 9690d41fd7fec8448c5139e9362ce472 [chronoformname] => bio_gr )
   6. $_FILES Array: Array ( [file_5] => Array ( [name] => MANAGERS - ΠΡΟΤΑΣΕΙΣ ΓΙΑ ΑΛΛΑΓΕΣ ΣΤΟ SITE.doc [type] => application/msword [tmp_name] => /tmp/phpYEEC8A [error] => 0 [size] => 30208 ) )
   7. Upload routine started for file upload by : file_5
   8. components/com_chronocontact/uploads/20110321162507_MANAGERS - SITE.doc has NOT been uploaded!!
   9. Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK
  10. An email has been SENT successfully from ()dfdfd@dfdfd.kl to
  11. Debug End

The components/com_chronocontact/uploads directory is set to 777 I have put the enctype='multipart/form-data' on the general tab, on the files upload tab the validation for the files is as file_5:doc|pdf{9999999-1}, however through the Upload Files the Full upload path says it is NOT WRITEABLE. How is this possible? It is set to 777. And also I have tried this form in the past and I was able to send the attachment. If anyone has any ideas on the matter...?..? Does this has to do anything with the fact that the website is in a subfolder on the server? By the way the email is sent without the attachement

2. I have made all the forms I need and the result is ok. However when I send the emails to a specific mail server they dont arrive. I checked it with hotmail, yahoo, my own server but on the other server they dont get any emails. I guess this is something they have to check with their provider?..?
GreyHead 21 Mar, 2011
Hi gargantouas,

Looks as though there may be a character set problem somewhere?


But the upload error shows . . . 20110321162507_MANAGERS - SITE.doc has NOT been uploaded. The 'ΠΡΟΤΑΣΕΙΣ ΓΙΑ ΑΛΛΑΓΕΣ ΣΤΟ' is missing.

gargantouas 22 Mar, 2011
Hello and thank you for your reply.
Well I dont think that is the problem actually because I tried changing the filename and uploaded a simple pdf. The result was the same
   1. Form passed first SPAM check OK
   2. Form passed the submissions limit (if enabled) OK
   3. Form passed the Image verification (if enabled) OK
   4. Form passed the server side validation (if enabled) OK
   5. $_POST Array: Array ( [name] => fdgfgfg [surname] => fgfgfg [select_7] => Άνδρας [text_12] => fgfgfg [text_13] => fgfgfg [text_18] => fgfgfg [text_20] => fgfg [text_21] => gfgfg [text_22] => fgfg [text_23] => fgfgfg [text_25] => gfgfg [text_26] => fgf [client_email] => gddfg@dfdf.kl [button_6] => Αποστολή [5d585eb0c1e25ec0588a8c6364f0bb3a] => 1 [1cf1] => c1ce05242843b1cefc851fcfc39b89f1 [chronoformname] => bio_gr )
   6. $_FILES Array: Array ( [file_5] => Array ( [name] => draw.pdf [type] => application/pdf [tmp_name] => /tmp/phpvy7tLx [error] => 0 [size] => 3185 ) )
   7. Upload routine started for file upload by : file_5
   8. components/com_chronocontact/uploads/bio_gr/draw.pdf has NOT been uploaded!!
   9. Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK
  10. An email has been SENT successfully from ()gddfg@dfdf.kl to
  11. Debug End

Any more ideas?..?
gargantouas 22 Mar, 2011
Just to inform. I created a new directory on the top level of the website and the attachements now work. There is something REALLY sinister going on about the folders and where you should put the uploaded attachments. The directory components/com_chronocontact/uploads although is writable, does not accept any uploads.
Anyway, if you want more information on the matter please let me know.
By the way, as it seems the GREEK characters are stripped from the filename, because I attached the same doc file as the first example I gave you.
Either way, thank you vary much
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