
Backup to excel Multiple text input fields values stored in

priyanka_zwt 21 Mar, 2011

I have a cradit card field in my form ,So the Problem is in credit card field there are four textbox i have taken,for one field as per client requirement,but now the issue is that , Values of those four textbox should be stored in one field in databse that is done by php code, but while i was taking backup to excel,that cradit card value cell show me blank in excel sheet,So Anyone have proper solution for that,same for CSV...😒 ,Please I have to Finish this issue as soon as possible...

thank you...
GreyHead 21 Mar, 2011
Hi priyanka_zwt,

What is actually stored in the credit card column in the database table? If it is a text string then there should be no problem with the export.


PS Storing credit-card numbers in a database is generally a bad idea - exporting them to other files can be very risky :-(
priyanka_zwt 21 Mar, 2011
In Databse Cradit card values are store somthing like this which i have enter in different text fields "1234,5678,9101,1123"
and that is even shows in databse but not In backup to Excel,May i Know the reason Why? Because This is My Clients Requirment that he wants Cradit card data In "1234 5678 9101 1123" Formate,in database as well ispecially in backup excel and Backup to CSV...Please Give solution if you have...😟
GreyHead 21 Mar, 2011
Hi priyanka_zwt,

I can only guess that the commas are causing problems. Why not save it with the space separator?

priyanka_zwt 21 Mar, 2011
I have Done my Code Something Like this

$card_num = implode(' ', $_POST['card_number']);
print_r = $card_num;

So this Code is automatically save my Credit Card value In Database With comma Saperator,
So How Do I Put my Credit card Code So that it takes Only Space and Stored in databse as well In backup to Excel.. :?
GreyHead 21 Mar, 2011
Hi priyanka_zwt,

This will give you space separated '1111 2222 3333 4444'
$card_num = implode(' ', $_POST['card_number']);

Where are the commas coming from?

priyanka_zwt 21 Mar, 2011

Yaah ,That's The Big Question,I didn't Put Commas anywhere in My Code but automatically it takes in database while stores.. Any Other Solution....if you have.....Please...I have to Solve this Out...BOB
GreyHead 21 Mar, 2011
Hi priyanka_zwt,

By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

priyanka_zwt 21 Mar, 2011
Hi BOB..
My Site is on Local Right Now..
So According To you because of Comma the records of credit card does not show me in excel sheet?and Secondly is there something like comma is used in Admin Side Code Somewhere in Function??Is that True..??
GreyHead 21 Mar, 2011
Hi priyanka_zwt,

Do you have 'Let ChronoForms handle my arrays' set to 'Yes', if so that may be changing the results before your code is run.

I have no idea why the export isn't working. There isn't enough information here to tell. I can only suggest things to you that might be causing the problem.

priyanka_zwt 22 Mar, 2011

My 'Let ChronoForms handle my arrays' is already set "yes" in chronoform, and even i have tried to done it by set"No" but still the same excel sheet is not taking it's values😟
And Secondly Now,happen is My Values Of all the fields that i have entered are stored in database but Not in Excel sheet I have Marked,Any Idea that why all the fields are stored in database But not in Excel sheet....??

Please Reply as soon as possible....
GreyHead 22 Mar, 2011
Hi priyanka_zwt,

I'm sorry but telling me 'it doesn't work' is not enough information to tell you anything useful.

You need to debug step by step to find out **exactly** what is happening at each stage.

priyanka_zwt 22 Mar, 2011
I just want remove that comma issue where it is exactly comes from otherwise implode function is enough for spacing or dash separator,but anyways, thanx for such a help,i am tying to solve it...

Thank you for such help...πŸ™‚
GreyHead 22 Mar, 2011
Hi priyanka_zwt,

The only place the ChronoForms might add commas into an array conversion is in the 'Handle arrays' option but you tell me that changing the setting makes no difference.

priyanka_zwt 22 Mar, 2011
hi GreyHead,

Actually Let me correct that the array handle when i set "No" credit card fiels value in datbase shows me blank,but when i set it "yes" credit card record shows me in database but "1234,2344,3421,1233" in this formate, here is my problem that why implode function that i have show you befor that i have put my code something like that, is actually not working for "-" or " " instead of it is taking comma...saperator..dear...

Ohk I think May be those comma taking place because I have taken an array for those text box fiels Like card_number[],card_number[],card_number[],card_number[] for four fields in name..??🀨
priyanka_zwt 28 Mar, 2011
My Previous Problem is Solved by other way,using javascript ,But one Problem is Remains and that is other Fields are in my form where records are stored in database but it is not taking same way in excel sheet,One warning occurs while I try to Open Excel sheet and that is "Excel is unable to read and it will try to recover" when i click on "yes",shows me only few of it's Values that Stored in database,other fields shows blank..
and One more error occures that is

"Excel recovered your formulas and cell values, but some data may have been lost."
and "click to view log files listing repairs:path\Temp\error2210.xml"
where XML file opens

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
- <recoveryLog xmlns="">
<summary>Errors were detected in file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Priyanka\Desktop\ChronoForms_maunifrench_22_3_2011.xls'</summary>
- <additionalInfo>
<info>Excel recovered your formulas and cell values, but some data may have been lost.</info>
Any Idea...???
Any Solution..??🀨
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