
Error on Chronoforms

ticreoz 18 Mar, 2011
Good morning to all

I'm gettin an error on chronoform.
When I go to submit on form created, answer is
The requested URL /vtigercrm/modules/Webforms/post.php was not found on this server.

My forms may send data on vtiger in same host
I 've folder in this way and CURL is set something like this

where is my error?
Thank you
GreyHead 18 Mar, 2011
Hi ticreoz,

Please see this post and the rest of that thread.

ticreoz 18 Mar, 2011
Hi Greyhead
first thing thank you for answer.
I've already read that post but nothind to do.
my question is:
Is possible that this error is present because joomla and vtiger are in same server?
They are live on a different server ?

I'll try to explain better..
actually they are in my hosting on this way

htdocs/cms ---------------->Joomla
htdocs/vtigercrm -------->vtiger
GreyHead 19 Mar, 2011
Hi ticreoz,

No, being on the same server shouldn't make any difference as long as the urls you are using are working OK.

ticreoz 20 Mar, 2011
Nothing to do bob
I've error
In attachment there are some shot about setting.
Only plugin that are enabled (green) is CURL
Error that you see (NOT found... etc ...) is showed only if I punt https://etc.... like tatger url.
If I leave http://etc.................. Error is Innternal server Error
GreyHead 20 Mar, 2011
Hi ticreoz,

There is something odd here. The value of the target_url shown in the debug info is just http:// - the rest of the URL is missing.

Compare the two parts marked in the image below.

Not sure why this should be :-( but it would explain the error messages if the target_url is incomplete.

That said the URL in the DeBug report after submission looks OK.

ticreoz 22 Mar, 2011
half- reat Notice Greyhead 😀

I try to use chronoforms in local server (Xampp) and after many many many troubles, it works..
Problem was Invalid web_abb_key.
I fix it file in vtiger

at string 133
if($enableAppKeyValidation ==true)
if($enableAppKeyValidation ==false)

This mean that in localhost works all ( joomla! 1.5.15, Vtiger 5.2.1 e Chronoforms 3.2.0.)
So, when I try to work in hosting, answer is Internal Server Error - 500
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