
Editing Validation Message created in Wizard

alful 16 Mar, 2011
I am using the latest version of Chronoforms on Joomla 1.5.22

I have made several forms using the wizard and then further adapted the form code for self population etc....

I have very successfully translated the forms using the "Grey Head" version of the multi-language plugin, which works great.

However, when originally using the wizard, I entered a "validation message" in the box provided and this does indeed show up when a field in not completed and a user attempts to submit. I am not using the "Java script live validation" which is disabled.

It does not seem possible to use the multi-language plugin to deal with the validation messages, so I decided to change the message into something linguistically generic like "!!!!!", however I cannot seem to find this in the form code, or anywhere else? and I do no not want to use the "Wizard edit" as I have far too much additional code in the form and of course the wizard will wipe this out.

I have searched the forums to no avail, which probably means I have had a brain fart and that it is something quite simple which I have missed.

Any help that can be given will be much appreciated.

GreyHead 16 Mar, 2011
Hi Alan,

If I understand correctly then I think it will work if you use the title attribute in the inputs to over-ride the default validation error messages. You should then be able to change these with the multi-language plug-in.

<input name='some_name' . . . title='Please enter a valid email' . . . />

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