Hi Ved,
As I suspected the code shows that there is just a straight substitution in this version. I have some better code in a 3.2 plug-in, I'll hunt that down and see if I can create a modified action.
Hello Bob, that's good news.
Thank you again
Hi Ved,
That looks like the output from the standard Action. Do you see a cURL [GH] action in the Actions panel? If so plese drag that over, copy and paste the code into it then remove the standard CURL Action.
Hi Ved,
It's no problem - I'm still finding my way around CFv4.
I'll take a look at what is needed to add the response to the debug code.
Meanwhile please will you make one small change. Put http://www.monsite.com/index.php in the target url and add option=com_acymailing as an extra entry in the Params/Fields box.
Hello Bob,
Just to let you know, I'm getting the following message:
Illegal variable _files or _env or _get or _post or _cookie or _server or _session or globals passed to script.
But then I tried to go backwards (leaving ?option=com_acymailing in the target URL) and still get the same error. Maybe yesterday I went too quickly as today I've no touch anything else apart cleaning the cache??
Thanks for your help
Hi ved,
Please upgrade to V4 RC1.6 then test this and let us know, the upgrade is easy, just install the new one OVER the one you have, you will not lose any data this way, do NOT uninstall.
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Hi Ved,
the URL problem looks like something amiss with SEF URLs, the two sections both say the same. But they shouldn't both appear.
Hi Ved,
Hmm . . . looks like the plug-in is working fine and there's a problem with the site, or possibly the form inputs.
The error message is a Joomla! one.. I think that it is triggered if there are any variables with numeric input names in the $_POST or $GET arrays.
By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.
Hi ved,
There's good news and not so good news.
The error message was caused because you had an input with an illegal numeric name '1', I changed that the 'registrame' and the error has gone.
[attachment=0]17-03-2011 14-08-29.png[/attachment]
The cURL then runs OK but the response is 403 Forbidden, which I guess is something in the site security.
[attachment=1]17-03-2011 14-23-58.png[/attachment]
On the other hand putting the Target URL and The query string together into a url works OK and the registration is made.
[attachment=2]17-03-2011 14-26-09.png[/attachment]
I'm not clear what gives the 403 Forbidden error, it might be possible to get round it by changing the cURL Method to GET --I'll need to tweak the action some more to test that.
PS I installed exTplorer so that I could edit the files and check out the cURL response.
Thanks for all your help Bob.
I've contacted my host to see if they find some weird configuración. Actually I also bumped into a 403 forbidden and then open the thread in Acymailing (because of a non accepted Redirect. John suggested it could be because of special caracters ":" "/") It could have make sense if it was possible to register with only the short CURL gh target URL...
To mention, I'm running RS-Firewall with a config I have not touched (Verify system variables for PHP injections etc...).
I keep you posted in case my hosting provider finds something.
Hi ved,
As an experiment, please try turning off RS FireWall. I suspect that is blocking the cURL call to ACYMailer.
I'm pretty certain that the :// will not normally cause a problem.
Hello Bob,
I had only "desactivated" the RS-Firewall but apparently it was not enought. Following your post, I totally desinstalled it and then... it works!!
So thank you again
Hi Ved,
Great, I'm glad we pinned down the cause.
There must be a setting in the firewall that will let those transactions through - but I have no idea where to start looking.
Thanks. I will try to ask the RS-Firewall team. But for now my hosting provider guaranted me with enough protection so RS is redundant they say.
Anyway really nice component and awesome support. I'll buy it very soon
Thank you for your reply
I use joomla 1.6 and Chronoforms_J1.6_V4_RC1.9.
Also i have download and copy the file of curl GH and i use it but still nothing gets written in the acymailing newslettr table.
I can subscribe to the newsletter if a do so via URL. The system is working properly but i suspect that i made some mistake i cannot spot.
Have you goy any other advice for me.
Hi fabscarf,
Please post screenshots of the settings you are using.
Thank you for the reply
Here i have uploaded my form [attachment=0]My form.jpg[/attachment]
My curl setting are[attachment=1]My actions.jpg[/attachment][attachment=1]My actions.jpg[/attachment]
I want the curl to post into the newletter id=1 in acymailing. As i said i can subcribe via URL in my webbwriser but not with Chronoform.
I realize that i am only posting two fields at the moent but i have done so for testing purposes.
I'd like that the subsciber could choose if subcribing or not.
sorry the one i have posted was just a try
my code is now
As i think it should be.
Problem is that is still does not write anything into the list (newsletter) =1
I have done a number of try and i confirm again that i can subscribe if i input the data into an url in my browser. So that i think that everything is working except the fact that i cannot get the CURL right or the subscription via URL fro Chronoform.
Have you got any idea. Alternatively i will publish the website over the next few day an you will be able to give it a look to the backend if needed.
I am happy to buy you a pack of six beers if needed :-)
Please show us an example link which works when you use it in the browser address bar.
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Well, I believe that this is not a valid parameter name:
Do you have a documentation for the acymailing which explains how to subscribe a user through a URL ?
Also, what are the acymailing features you are looking for ? because you can use Chronoforms itself as a newsletter subscription form and email sender.
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
is there anyway to turn the chronoform debug??
I will appreciate an answer.
Hi fabscarf,
You can drag a Debugger action into the form On Submit event; that will give you some information. And you can use temporary Custom Code actions to give you more specific outputs if you need it.