
Search result in J! Article

kannansreenivas 13 Mar, 2011
I have created a form with chronoform having fields as follows
1. Name
2. Address
3. State [ Drop Down Box ]
4.Zip code [ Drop Down Box ]
5. Submit. [ button ]

The form is published success fully in the articles, and the datas are stored in database success fully.

What I now need to get is, I like to create another form as follows

1. State [ Drop Down Box ]
2.Zip code [ Drop Down Box ]
3. Search . [ button ]

And when visitor selects the state, i need to see the results of taht selected state in site. and also like in Zip code.

Kindly help me to get the result.
Thanks in advance
GreyHead 13 Mar, 2011
Hi kannansreenivas,

I'm not sure I understand. You want the zipcodes and other state info to be shown when a state is selected?

Is there you one result or could there be many?

Can you give a more detailed example please?

If there are many results this could be a case for ChronoConnectivity?

kannansreenivas 25 Mar, 2011
First of all Let me thank you for the response.

What I need is, When I select Country, all states in that country should populate.

When I select State, all District in that State to be populated

When I select a ZIP Code, all places or address of persons pertaining to that zip to be populated. Like that
Thank You
GreyHead 26 Mar, 2011
Hi Kannansrinivas,

I think that this tutorial describes more or less what you are asking for.

kannansreenivas 27 Mar, 2011
Thank you Mr.GreyHead
Let me check and Ping back to you
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