
select Box field - change the width

jcmafra 11 Mar, 2011
Please, is there any tips to change the width of the select Box field?

I attached a printscreen with some notes (red an yellow), to be more clear.

Julio Mafra
GreyHead 11 Mar, 2011
Hi jcmafra,

Please post a link to the form so we can take a quick look.

GreyHead 11 Mar, 2011
Hi jcmafra,

Ah, this si ChronoForms v4.

The CSS is in com_chronoforms/css/frontforms.css around line 23
.cfdiv_select select, .cfdiv_text label {
    width: 150px;

jcmafra 11 Mar, 2011
Hi GrayHead,

As I told in my first post I tried to modify the width at that line, but give some problems at frontend fields alignment - please take a look at the attached at that first post with my notes red/yellow.

The original template is siteground-j15-44 and Jommla 1.5.22.

Some tip?

GreyHead 11 Mar, 2011
Hi jcmafra,

Please try
div.cfdiv_select select {
  width: auto;
  min-width: 150px;
  max-width: 400px;

jcmafra 11 Mar, 2011
Works fine!😀
Thanks for your quickly and kindly help.
I bought you a beer, but please, do not get drunk🤣 .
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