
Joomla registration (user gets no email)

wingmantheory 09 Mar, 2011
ChronoForms Settings:
Override the Joomla Allow user registration: yes
User activation: yes
Random Password: yes
Auto Login: yes
Display status: yes
Joomla settings
Allow User Registration: no/yes
New User Account Activation: no/yes

* I tried changing all the settings around but i get the same output. Plus user never gets an e-mail! HELP!!! 😫

(Login denied! Your account has either been blocked or you have not activated it yet. Did you not get an activation e-mail and follow the validation link?)
GreyHead 10 Mar, 2011
Hi wingmantheory,

You need 'User Activation' set to 'No' in the Joomla! Registration Action to enable Auto Login.

See the image for the settings I have on my test form for auto-login.

jcmafra 10 Mar, 2011
Where can I find the screen you posted🤨
I just installed Chronoforms_V4_RC1.5 and could not find such screen to set😟 .

Julio Mafra
GreyHead 10 Mar, 2011
Hi Julio,

Drag a Joomla! Registration Action to the On Submit event box; then Click the spanner icon and you'll see the Settings tab (I tweaked the CSS a bit to reduce the spacing for the image).

Max_admin 11 Mar, 2011
Hi wingmantheory,

Yes, I missed the email thing in the action, but you can still build it manually, however, I have now added a new setting to enable/disable the email, please contact me through the "Contact us" page to get the latest patch

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
bcwhittle 06 Apr, 2011
I am having problems with this, as well.
In Joomla Control Panel, I turned off registration.
I turned on override in Chronoforms.

My Joomla form is not yet replacing the default registration form (mainly because I have not figured out how to replace it in v1.6/v4), does that make any difference on sending the email?
Max_admin 07 Apr, 2011
Hi bcwhittle,

I'm not sure how you can replace the registration form of J1.6, did you try the same trick mentioned in the PDF tutorial for J1.5 ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
bcwhittle 07 Apr, 2011
I tried the example given in the tutorial, so that these lines are at the beginning of the indicated file:
defined('_JEXEC') or die;

Nothing seemed to change.

Incidentally, I figured out the problem with the email. I used the email verification event in the Registration form, but I had not followed it with the email event. I had naively assumed that the email verification event would also send an email, until I read the help there and understood it.

I will move my other questions to a new topic.

GreyHead 07 Apr, 2011
Hi Brian,

If your template uses template over-rides for the login module then the code needs to be in the over-ride file. Check templates/[my_template]/html/mod_login/default.php

bcwhittle 07 Apr, 2011
I have not changed from the default template, which seems to be Beez2. I do not find any mod_* directories under "html".
GreyHead 10 Apr, 2011
Hi bcwhittle,

In Joomla! 1.6 the default place to put the redirect code appears to be

After line 12 insert the two lines here
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
// insert the next two lines
$mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication();
replacing my_form_name with the name of your registration form.

Max_admin 11 Apr, 2011

I believe that the new Redirects manager component in J1.6 may help with that easily ? I didn't try it yet myself but was just wondering 🙄

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
GreyHead 11 Apr, 2011
Hi Max,

You are ahead of me - I didn't even know that there was a Redirects Manager :-( :-)

Max_admin 11 Apr, 2011
Hi Bob,

Well, I just remembered it while writing my message above, because I have originally written a redirect plugin for J1.5, so this reminded me by the new one in J1.6 by default, I'm just not sure if it will do it, but I think so🙂

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
GreyHead 11 Apr, 2011
Hi Brian,

The Joomla! 1.6 Redirect component seems to do the job nicely :-)

Chacapamac 08 Jun, 2011
I have the new registration action with the “Send Activation” for the normal joomla activation email.

When your choose “Auto Login = Yes” I wonder if Joomla send anything???
For sure, I probably need “Send Activation” to be yes if Joomla send something...

Now I like to send (if possible depending of language) a welcome personalized email to the name of the new register user and it will be cool to have is username/password include in the email.??
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