
Chronoforms - No message after SUBMIT

giulmas 05 Mar, 2011
Hi everybody!
I trying to set the message I want to display after the SUBMIT of the form by the user. But I can't figure out how I can do that. I wonder where I have to write my message! At now, if I try to fill the form, after the SUBMIT, the server sent it correctly to choosen e-mail, with the choosen message and the choosen fields and attachment. But the e-mail dispatched to user that filled the form is without name and subject and the attachment is attached in his e-mail too! This sounds bad to me, because this kind of e-mail is often dropped in spam by the e-mail servers! I wonder how I could fix this thing! Help me! Please!

GreyHead 05 Mar, 2011
Hi Guilano,

Is this ChronoForms 3.2?

If so you can add a Thank you message in Step 4 of the Wizard (or Wizard Edit). Or by adding HTML (+ PHP) to the OnSubmit After Email box on the Form Editor | Form Code tab.

For the Emails, you can turn off attachments in the Email Setup | Properties box.

Not sure about the missing subject and address. It sounds as though you may have used Dynamic Email inputs but are not making sure that values are set. Please take a screenshot of your Email Setup(s) and post it here.

giulmas 05 Mar, 2011
Hi, thanks for your answer!
Yes, the Chronoforms version is the last one and now I'll try to do that way! Setting attachments on OFF means the server won't dispatch attachments on the sender anymore? Because I want that my form delivers the attachment to info e-mail!
Forgive my very bad english, I hope you've understood me...

GreyHead 05 Mar, 2011
Hi giulmas,

In the second Email Setup replace the Dynamic From Email and Dynamic From Name elements with From Name & From Email elements exactly as you have in the first Email Setup. (Dynamic elements take input names *only* not text strings as you have here.)

Turn the attachments off only for the second Email Setup, then the Admin will still receive them but the user will not get the attachment.

giulmas 05 Mar, 2011
Everything it's now ok!!! Thanks, you're grrrrreat!!!
giulmas 05 Mar, 2011
...I correct myself... everything is almost ok. Now, with fields Fromname and Fromemail instead of Dynamic, etc, NO REPLY MESSAGE ARRIVED! Sigh...
GreyHead 05 Mar, 2011
Hi giulmas,

There's the same problem with Dynamic Subject. Replace with Subject.

Sorry, I missed that first time around.

giulmas 05 Mar, 2011
It doesn't seem to work! Why? In the tutorial pdf of Chronoengine I have read to use dynamic fields...!
giulmas 05 Mar, 2011
....sorry!!! ...sorrry!!!! ....SORRRYYYYY!!! Your suggestions are good, my attention is always bad (as well as my english)! I've forgotten to enable the second e-mail!!! Shame on me, now everything is REALLY fine!

Many thanks again, mate!

GreyHead 05 Mar, 2011
Hi giulmas,

Yes when you change the Setup it is automatically disabled, an annoying little feature.

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