
Redirect Plugin???

schult70 05 Mar, 2011
OK, so I have to admit... I am SO embarrassed to have to ask this.

How do you enable the Redirect Plugin?

I have looked in Extensions-PlugIn Manager, and I see nothing similar to a "redirect plugin". I have tried to find something to download, similar to Chronoforms itself, but nothing.

Even more embarrassing, I have searched for several hours on the forum to figure this out, but have not figured it out.

Help, please???
GreyHead 05 Mar, 2011
Hi shult70,

These are packaged ChronoForms plug-ins. There's a list in the left hand column of the Form Manager page.

To configure a plug-in first check the box by the form name, then click the Plug-in name link to open the configuration dialogue. When that is done open the Form Editor by clicking the Form Name link and go to the Plug-ins tab to enable the plug-in (green bars are enabled).

schult70 05 Mar, 2011
Thanks, Bob. I don't know how I didn't see that list!!!!!
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