
SOLVED : Relative and absolute url path in tinymce of chrono

marcos.peebles 04 Mar, 2011
Hi all,

I can't seem to switch from relative URL to absolute url without TinyMCE built-in editor of chronoforms stripping http:// and the domain.
I tried no editor in Joomla user Manager config, but chrono won't pick it 🙄

When using the Emails Templates you get the default built-in tinyMCE of chronoforms, right?

So, after looking here in forums for all tinyMCE related issues I went to the backend and changed the two files tiny_mce_src.js and tiny_mce.js (in administrator/component/com_chronocontact/js/tiny_mce/)

I set all to 0 instead of 1

changed to:

Didn't pick it up, I also tried to change only the relative_urls to 0 no success. Cleared my cache (you know those editors can be quite persistent) but nada😟
Also tried the global config of TinyMCE from joomla, nothing.

Why? This is usefull so when sending out the confirmation email the person can have a nice HTML styled email and ... images displayed😉 otherwise the whole thing works perfect.

Can someone point me to the right direction or even better have the solution?
Maybe I'm trying the difficult way and there is a setting I missed somewhere?

I'm using Chronoforms 3.0

Thanks in advance
GreyHead 04 Mar, 2011
Hi Marcos,

The simplest answer is to turn off the Editor in the Email Setup Properties. Then you can work in an ordinary textarea that doesn't mess with your code.

marcos.peebles 04 Mar, 2011
Thanks Bob!
Sometimes the easy solutions are the best, KISS for that (I mean Keep it simple... well you know🙂
Thank you again for your quick reply and expertise, really appreciate it.
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