Hi all,
I can't seem to switch from relative URL to absolute url without TinyMCE built-in editor of chronoforms stripping http:// and the domain.
I tried no editor in Joomla user Manager config, but chrono won't pick it 🙄
When using the Emails Templates you get the default built-in tinyMCE of chronoforms, right?
So, after looking here in forums for all tinyMCE related issues I went to the backend and changed the two files tiny_mce_src.js and tiny_mce.js (in administrator/component/com_chronocontact/js/tiny_mce/)
I set all to 0 instead of 1
changed to:
Didn't pick it up, I also tried to change only the relative_urls to 0 no success. Cleared my cache (you know those editors can be quite persistent) but nada😟
Also tried the global config of TinyMCE from joomla, nothing.
Why? This is usefull so when sending out the confirmation email the person can have a nice HTML styled email and ... images displayed😉 otherwise the whole thing works perfect.
Can someone point me to the right direction or even better have the solution?
Maybe I'm trying the difficult way and there is a setting I missed somewhere?
I'm using Chronoforms 3.0
Thanks in advance
I can't seem to switch from relative URL to absolute url without TinyMCE built-in editor of chronoforms stripping http:// and the domain.
I tried no editor in Joomla user Manager config, but chrono won't pick it 🙄
When using the Emails Templates you get the default built-in tinyMCE of chronoforms, right?
So, after looking here in forums for all tinyMCE related issues I went to the backend and changed the two files tiny_mce_src.js and tiny_mce.js (in administrator/component/com_chronocontact/js/tiny_mce/)
I set all to 0 instead of 1
changed to:
Didn't pick it up, I also tried to change only the relative_urls to 0 no success. Cleared my cache (you know those editors can be quite persistent) but nada😟
Also tried the global config of TinyMCE from joomla, nothing.
Why? This is usefull so when sending out the confirmation email the person can have a nice HTML styled email and ... images displayed😉 otherwise the whole thing works perfect.
Can someone point me to the right direction or even better have the solution?
Maybe I'm trying the difficult way and there is a setting I missed somewhere?
I'm using Chronoforms 3.0
Thanks in advance