Hi there,
I prepared a multipage form following all the instructions, but at the moment is not working fine(ie I can fill all the 7 forms in a sequence, but when I send the final form I do not receive any email and the database table does not seem to receive anything)...
I disabled emails in all forms except in the mother.
Any suggestion ?
Hi petermazzi,
Please check the following for the email on the mother form.
a) That 'Send Emails' is set to 'Yes' on the Form General tab
b) That you have a valid Email Setup - if the box is green it's valid, red is invalid (see d below)
c) That you have set 'Enabled' to 'Yes' in the Email Setup Properties box
d) A valid Email Setup requires To, Subject, From Name and From Email elements (or the Dynamic equivalents) in the *same* setup box.
e) The element boxes must contain strings for the static elements or valid input names from the form for the Dynamic elements.
f) The To and From Email boxes must contain valid email addresses
g) The From Email address should match the Domain name.
h) The To email address should not be the same as the From Email address.
All points are fine...I have currently 20 active forms on my website and they all work fine with the same email settings. I used a similar setting also for the mother form but I do not receive the data... I fear it is something to do with multipage, but cannot understand what !!!
Hi petermazzi,
Now I'm confused. Do you get no email? or an empty email? or an email with the text but not the form results?
Sorry for the confusion... I meant that my website is using Chronoform extensively...All the other forms work fine.. Now i tried a new multipage form, I set up the email settings of the mother form exactly like the other forms active in my website (which work ok), but after i filled all the 7 pages linked to the mother at the end I do not receive any email (and the corresponding table archive does not show any new field)...
Hi petermazzi,
By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.
Hi petermazzi,
Fixed I think. You had a ReDirect URL set for the last child form that was redirecting before control was passed back to the mother form. I've moved the ReDirect URL to the mother form and it looks OK now.
PS You can delete the guest account if all is OK.
Yes, now it works !!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for your precious support... Very much appreciated...