
Plugins are Red - How to enable?

Lon 28 Feb, 2011
This is my first day using Chronoforms, and I'm doing the tutorial "Building a Joomla Registration Form".

When in tutorial it says "Enable Joomla Registration" there doesn't appear to be a way to enable the plugin within the "Plugin" tab. All the plugins are red. The only option that I see is to remove them - "X".

What I'm I missing?

Lon 28 Feb, 2011
The "X" suggests removing the plugin. If one clicks the "X" then the checkmark appears and the bar is green.

Suggest making this clearer to users.
GreyHead 28 Feb, 2011
Hi Lon,

Glad to see you found the answer.

The icon currently follows the Joomla! convention of displaying the current state. (See the many published or enabled icons in the Site Admin.) Previously it worked the way you expected (showing the action) and caused many, many more user problems.

Seems that there is no ideal answer :-(

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