Just wanted to say, very nice set of products, very active forums, and genius subscription model. Dream come true when looking for Joomla addon's. Thanks for all the hard work the developer/s have applied not only to the product, but to being active participants within the forums, and all the great input submitted by the user-base. Very impressive indeed.
I just purchased the new ChronoForms 3.1 CookBook from PacktPub. Although I was a little scared at first because the picture of the book cover within the Ebook says, "ChronoForms 1.3 For Joomla! Site Cookbook", the publishing date and info, pertains to 3.1.
Very well written and obviously worth it's weight in gold for basic and advanced use. Couldn't of asked for more.
My concern (actually, not too concerned) is, I just watched 2 interesting videos one of the CF's forum users created using CF's V4. I actually couldn't believe what I was seeing. Just when I thought creating forms with CF's V3.2 was intuitive, V4 obviously sets a whole new bar for intuitive forms creation. Looks great and cant wait till it goes stable.
My question is since the interface and code for V4 looks to be an almost complete rewrite, how long till a UPdated book for V4 will come out? Is there any ETA as to when V4 goes stable? I'm sure getting familiar with the current V3.2 version and experimenting with recipes within the book will surely make learning V4 an easy transition.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Joshua Banks
Hi Joshua,
My apologies - on behalf of Packt Publishing - for the misleading cover and text on your copy.
The books was always written for ChronoForms 3.1. Unfortunately the title and voer were one of the final actions and the typos slipped through un-noticed. It was picked up a week or so after publication and Packt corrected their website. I though that they had corrected the POD & e-book copies of the book too.
I have just downloaded a copy from my account and the cover and body copy says 3.1?
I'm sure that there will be an updated of some kind for CFv4. At the moment I'm still finding my way around it and it will be a while before the product is stable enough and my understanding high enough to make it really valuable.
Hello, dear all,
I'm a new joomla user, and I'm interested in chronoforms due to its excellent reputation.
My question is more or less the same than joshua, but a few months later:
Is it still usefull to buy the cookbook for chronoforms 3.1 as I just installed the v4?
Are you going to publish a cookbook for v4?
Do you recommend any guide for the v4?
Or would you recommend to install the v3.1 and to use the cookbookfor v3.1 waiting for the cookbook for V4 to be publish?
Thank you for your help, and your work.
Guillaume Béraud
I would go for V4 with confidence, development has stopped for V3.x and V4 is the new, more robust and feature rich, we have a set of tutorials here on the website (please check the forum post under this forum) which should learn you the basics.
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?