I am using profile plugin on one of my forms. It works fine if I visit the form via the URL link.
But if I embedded the form inside an article via chronocontact, the profile API doesn't load anymore.
Any idea?
Hi tuang,
Are you still passing the required 'id' parameter to the form through the page URL?
Hi tuang,
I'm sorry I hadn't realised that you were using the User ID. That should work by default provided that the user is logged in.
I get a security warning when I try to access the link - and if I go past that I can't see the form without registering.
I guess that you need to check that the User ID is available on the form page. ChronoForms just looks it up using the Joomla! User Object.
I made the page public so that you can see it.
Thats the thing, I am not sure how I can pass the user ID now.
If it was a direct url to the form, the userid is automatically detected by the form.
But now I am accessing an article, which has the form declare using the chronocontact method
I am at a lost....
Hi tuang,
I took a look at the form thanks. Given that there is no article content apart from the form why are you embedding the form in an article, you can just use the ChronoForms URL.
I would also expect that the user id would be identified in exactly the same way if the form is in an article or on its own page.
And it was as simple as that to fix this issue. I don't know why I was hell bent on using it through the article.
Thanks again.
Hi MyPetHamster,
The problem is that you have to pass the information to identify the record somehow and the Profile Plug-in uses the URL. I'm sure that it's possible to hand-code a solution using session data or a cookie to achieve the same result.
Sorry, I set it back to its its flawed content.
There are no <p>s and plugin and syntax are ok
Hi zaratustra27,
Still looks OK from here.
Sorry, I had to change it again. I'm using loadposition plugin to embed a module as a workaround to the problem.
I know I'm not giving much info but there isn't: plugin is ok, syntax is ok, there isn't any wrong html. The only additional thing I can say is that it worked fine when I created it but client changed the article and then it broke but nothing in his code seems wrong. Any lucky guess, please?
Hi zaratustra27,
The guess is that there is some 'extra' spurious HTML in there, or that the plug-in is not enabled. That accounts for most cases. But without seeing the page I can't diagnose the first of those. And I've now taken the time to look - twice - at a page with no problems.