
Problem with email attachments

odudi 21 Feb, 2011
I have set up a form with some file upload fields, but when the email is sent the files are not attached. (Enable attachments is set to "yes" in the email setup). What could be the problem?

GreyHead 21 Feb, 2011
Hi odudi,

Which version of ChronoForms is this please?

RoJa 20 Jun, 2011
I have the same problem.
I have read this :
and this
and this

but dont understand what I need to do 😟

I create а TestUpload form:

<div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_file" id="file__container_div"><label>File:</label><input class=" validate['required']" title="" type="file" name="file1" />
<div class="clear"></div><div id="error-message-file1"></div></div><div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_submit" id="input_submit_1_container_div"><input name="input_submit_1" class="" value="Submit" type="submit" />
<div class="clear"></div><div id="error-message-input_submit_1"></div></div>

I try to write
in field "Form tag attachment"

... try to set setting field Form method = File

There is no subfolders was created in directory (no files saved on the server)
Permissions on this dir - 777

I include attachment field file1 in email settings

I turn the Upload setting Enable = Yes,
and set up file max size = 6000 (~6Mb).

I want to attach to email a little file (~1Mb), uploaded in this form.

This is email, that I have as result (with no attachment files):
Uploaded file: {file1}

Submitted by

Setting of this form in attached file
RoJa 20 Jun, 2011
I got it !

I again answered on my own question 😛

I have an attachment file in the email, when changed upload directory in Upload settings.
But! The path to the upload must be from the root folder, thats important.

And another important thing: you must write file's extensions in Upload file settings. If you left this setting empty - it dosnt work (no attachment file in email).
kniotech 06 Jul, 2011
Rija, can you tell me how exactly did you change the path? did you create a new folder? Thanks!
GreyHead 06 Jul, 2011
Hi kniotech,

I think the insight here is that the path needs to be the full server path and not just the Joomla! path. The Joomla! path is something like /components/com_chronoforms/uploads while the server path is more like /somename/some.domain/www/components/com_chronoforms/uploads

RoJa 06 Jul, 2011

Rija, can you tell me how exactly did you change the path? did you create a new folder? Thanks!

Yes, I create a folder uploads in root Joomla directory
But you need wrote full path (must begin from slash / ) in setting. My full path was

And don't forget to set folder permission (775 in my case), if your create a new folder.
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