I am trying to create a survey for our website. There will be a series of questions with each question containing a series of radio boxes where one must be selected. Currently the radio buttons are shown vertically and not horizontally. Is it possible to change this? Second, I would like to have a text above the radio buttons indicating what the buttons mean. For example if I had 5 buttons, above the first I would say "Represents my situation", above the 3rd button "Somewhat" and above the 5th button "Very much represents". Is it possible to do this?
Survey Question
1) Sure that's possible, just remove the <br> after the first label (in Form Code > Form HTML). The second label will then be placed next to the first (although it also depends on the style sheet of the template you're using for your website).
2) This can be altered in the same location (Form Code > Form HTML). Make sure you know a bit of HTML and it will work like a charm.
2) This can be altered in the same location (Form Code > Form HTML). Make sure you know a bit of HTML and it will work like a charm.
Hi jlcarpenter,
I agree with tubbergen; if it's a list of questions and you want to keep the spacing even like a Likert Scale then ths might be a case for an HTML table.
I agree with tubbergen; if it's a list of questions and you want to keep the spacing even like a Likert Scale then ths might be a case for an HTML table.
Thanks for the help tubbergen and Grey Head. The suggestions worked, but now I have a different problem. Everything looks fine when on initial load and through the first question. However when I click on a subsequent question the table for the previously answered question shifts to the right. Below is a link so you can see what is happening. I have looked at the html and do not see anything obvious that is incorrect.
hi jlcarpenter,
Please try adding this to the Form CSS box
The problem is that the ChronoForms validation code inserts a 'valid message' span containing just a space that breaks the layout when the radio buttons (or checkboxes) are close together.
Please try adding this to the Form CSS box
span.LV_valid {
The problem is that the ChronoForms validation code inserts a 'valid message' span containing just a space that breaks the layout when the radio buttons (or checkboxes) are close together.
Thanks, GreayHead. That works great. The only issue now if someone does not choose a radio button for a question a error message appears after each radio button. Is there a way this can be changed or is that not an option with the table layout that I am now using.
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