.'/components/com_chronocontact/chrono_verification.php">';}But it doesn't exist in my php file. Help?"> Image Verification Refresh button - Forums


Image Verification Refresh button

mhornbuckle 20 Feb, 2011

I was following your FAQ on how to add a image verification refresh button, and I went to the components/com_chronocontact/chronocontact.php and tried to find this code:

if ( trim($paramsvalues->imagever) == 'Yes' ) {
$imver = '<input name="chrono_verification" type="text"
id="chrono_verification" value="">
<img src="'.$mosConfig_live_site

But it doesn't exist in my php file. Help?
GreyHead 21 Feb, 2011
Hi mhornbuckle,

In ChronoForms 3.5 it's in components/com_chronocontact/chronocontact.html.php around line 176 and the code now reads
$imver = "";					
if ( trim($MyForm->formparams('imagever')) == 'Yes' ) {
  $imver = '<input name="chrono_verification" style="vertical-align:top;" type="text" id="chrono_verification" class="inputbox" value="" />  <img src="'.$CF_PATH
.'components/com_chronocontact/chrono_verification.php?imtype='.$MyForm->formparams('imtype').'" alt="" />';

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