
Main menu not showing up on Forms page

westendweb 16 Feb, 2011
I've got a form on this page:, and the (Main) Menu on the left should be the same as on this page: You will see that the "Main Menu" items are missing.

I have checked the menu designation in the Module Manager and the Menu Item Manager, and cannot see why it isn't the same. In both cases, the "parent" item is "Visit", one of the Sections on the Main Menu.

What have I missed?

GreyHead 16 Feb, 2011
Hi westendweb,

It looks as though the Main Menu isn't turned on at all for the form page.

westendweb 17 Feb, 2011
Thanks, Bob.

You're right. It was a Joomla issue - okay, operator error - not a ChronoForms issue. The solution was elusive, since it was the Main Menu that wasn't showing up. But there were, um, anomalies that I finally found through the Module Manager. I re-found the Main Menu (which I had renamed), re-selected "all" and and "all" is now well.

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