
ChronoForms as Joomla registration form not working

Guest 14 Feb, 2011
Hello there!

I used your tutorial about replacing the standard Joomla registration form with a ChronoForms equivalent. Building the CF form works great, as well as connecting it to the jos_ database table. The only problem I'm facing is losing the standard Joomla registration page. I replaced the code in components/com_user/views/register/tmpl/default.php but when I click on "register" (for example in Kunena), the standard Joomla register forms keeps appearing.

<?php // no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); 

Can you please help me out with what I am doing wrong here? It's rather frustrating seeing the finish line while I keep struggling with this last little bit :-)

Cheers in advance!

GreyHead 14 Feb, 2011
Hi Woosh! Webdesign,

If you template over-rides then the code has to go into the over-ride file instead (or as well).

Guest 14 Feb, 2011

I made the changes to the file in the components/com_user etc folder rather than a template override (iow a html-folder on template level). Do you suggest to do it on a template level? Looking forward to your reply.

Cheers for your quick anwer!

GreyHead 15 Feb, 2011
Hi Franklin,

If a template over-ride is being used then the com_user code will never run.

Guest 15 Feb, 2011
Dear Greyhead,

You're the greatest! Stupid of me - why didn't I figure this out myself... :-)

It works like a dream, cheers for your reply!

Sincerely yours,
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