
problem send e-mail

GreyHead 14 Feb, 2011
Hi vittoro,

Please check the following:

a) That 'Send Emails' is set to 'Yes' on the Form General tab

b) That you have a valid Email Setup - if the box is green it's valid, red is invalid (see d below)

c) That you have set 'Enabled' to 'Yes' in the Email Setup Properties box

d) A valid Email Setup requires To, Subject, From Name and From Email elements (or the Dynamic equivalents) in the *same* setup box.

e) The element boxes must contain strings for the static elements or valid input names from the form for the Dynamic elements.

f) The To and From Email boxes must contain valid email addresses

g) The From Email address should match the Domain name.

h) The To email address should not be the same as the From Email address.
vittorioro 14 Feb, 2011
The e-mail problem it is now ok.

Is it possible to know the Ip adress by computer submit the form?

GreyHead 14 Feb, 2011
Hi Vittorio,

Yes, it's included by default unless you turn it off in the Email Setup | Properties box

vittorioro 14 Feb, 2011
Ok, Thanks,

The last question!
it is possible stopped the e-mail if submit the form more time the same IP adress?

GreyHead 14 Feb, 2011
Hi vittorioro,

It is possible, but it needs some coding. You'd need to:[list=a]
  • disable the Email Setup
  • save the form results to the database
  • then add code in the OnSubmit Before Email box to check if the IP address was already stored and enable the Email if it is a new IP address
  • [/list:o]

    Haggisdog 16 Feb, 2011
    Thanks for posting this information it helped me trouble shoot the same problem. I discovered that I needed to click on 'Apply' to persist the changes I made to the form elements in the send email configuration, that along with your steps above helped me solve this.
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