
ini file for chrono forms ?

florian_lemaitre 11 Feb, 2011
hi everyone !
is there a en-GB.com_chronoforms.ini file i can download somewhere ?
i need to change the "this field is required" message that you get on front end when you try to submit a form leaving a field empty
thanks a lot
GreyHead 11 Feb, 2011
Hi florian_lemaitre,

There are no language files for ChronoForms. You can over-write the default validation error message by adding a title attribute to the input:
<input type='text' name='some_input' id='some_input' title='Ce champ est obligatoire' /> 

florian_lemaitre 12 Feb, 2011
Hi Bob

I'm sorry but could you be more specific, I'm a newbie at this whole thing.
I have no idea what your answer mean lol...
Where am I supposed to add this code line ?
Thanks a lot
GreyHead 12 Feb, 2011
Hi florian_lemaitre,

In the ChronoForms v3 Forms Manager click the 'Form Name' link for your form to open the Form Editor; next click the 'Form Code' tab; then the [+/-] link next to the Form HTML label. The text area that opens contains the HTML for your form.

If you look through the code there you will see the <input . . .> tags when you can add the title='My validation message' entries.

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