
On Page Load Event

skilachi 10 Feb, 2011

I am new to ChronoForms and have 2 questions:

1.Where can a javascript code be called from on the load event of a page?

2. Is there a datetimepicker by Chronoforms with TIMEpicker included?

Lastly, I would like to thank Greyhead for his immeasurable contribution to Chronoforms, this and other forums. I have read and learnt a lot from your posts over the past few days and can only admire your tenacity and good work. All the best.
GreyHead 10 Feb, 2011
Hi skilachi ,

Thank you.

1) If you use the ChronoForms Form JavaSCript box you can wrap your script in
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
// your script here
and it will load on the MooTools domReady event which is when the page HTML is complete, usually a little earlier than onLoad.

2) No, there is a separate time picker used in the Watchman plug-in; or the standard Joomla! calendar includes a (not very nice) time-picker. Or there are others around that could be used instead.

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