

samsonite 07 Feb, 2011

i dont know whats going wrong on my chronoforms but i only recive an email with:

Submitted by 179.xx.xx.xx

no form or other information : (

GreyHead 07 Feb, 2011
Hi samsonite,

Which version of ChronoForms is this?

It sounds as though your Email Template is empty. In v4 there is no automatic completion.

samsonite 07 Feb, 2011
hi bob,
thanks for your quick reply.

im using 4.0 RC1.2
if you mean the space under the edit/hide template, than yes
but what have i to write in there?

GreyHead 07 Feb, 2011
Hi samsonite,

You put in there whatever you want to include in the email using {input_name} where you want the values of the form inputs.

samsonite 07 Feb, 2011
ha it works perfectly now!

thank you very much!

great extension : )
hdwebpros 16 Feb, 2011
I have the same exact problem. However, my email template is filled out. Furthermore, I had some simple text to display when the form was submitted, and that doesn't even show. Just a blank page
GreyHead 16 Feb, 2011
Hi hdwebpros,

What do you have in the Email template box?

hdwebpros 16 Feb, 2011
This is what somebody inquired about from the website!
Homeowner(s): {homeowner}
Address: {address}
City: {city}
ZIP Code: {zip}
Home Phone: {homePhone}
Work Phone: {WorkPhone}
Cell Phone: {CellNumber}
E-mail: {email}
Best Time to Contact: {contactTime}
How did you hear about us?

Interested in:

Time frame for completion:

If you could choose only 1 of the following, which aspect represents the highest desire for your remodel?

Message: {text_16}
Enter the code shown

GreyHead 16 Feb, 2011
Hi hdwebpros,

All looks fine. Unfortunately there's no good debug yet (at least not that I've found) nor a form backup.

By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

GreyHead 16 Feb, 2011
Hi hdwebpros,

You are actually using ChronoForm v3 (this is a v4 part of the forum).

I made a copy of your contact-us form and renamed it to contact_us and all seems to be well. dashes in form names give ChronoForms and MySQL indegestion.

hdwebpros 16 Feb, 2011
HAHA! Wow, can't believe that was it! Thanks for helping me out
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