
table not saving certain fields

aforantman 06 Feb, 2011
Hi all,

I have set up a form and I am pushing it through to a table as well as emailing the results.
There are three fields that are not getting stored in the table,


They are getting pushed through to the email correctly but for some reason are not working with the table. All the other fields are being picked up correctly.
I have not had this problem before when setting up the table capture.

I created the form
then added the table to the form
and then turned on the data storage

If there is anything else I need to include please let me know.

Kind regards,

GreyHead 07 Feb, 2011
Hi anthony,

Are there columns with these names in the table (check with the ChronoForms Tables Manager or PHPMyAdmin).

Did you add them to the form after creating the DB Connection? In which case the DB Connection needs to be refreshed (see below).


You need to refresh the DB Connection after any changes to database column names. In the Form Editor click the DB Connection tab and set the Connection to 'No'. Click the 'Apply icon in the toolbar to save the form, open the DB Connection tab, set the Connection back to 'Yes' and re-save the form. This will refresh the copy of the table information that ChronoForms uses.
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