
"you must provide at least one recipient email address"

pinkycat 04 Feb, 2011
Hi - looking for some help. Will happily pay by paypal if needed.

I have searched the forums and these 2 problems seem to be quite common - but none of them have shown a workable solution.

I have chronoforms installed (latest version) and it's haveing trouble with 2 things.

1) Every form submission comes up with an error "you must provide at least one recipient email address"
I have discovered that this is something to do with the 'dynamic to' field as removing that removes the error. The field is setup fine as it comes through in the 'dynamic from' field which is set to the exact same text box. Both boxes are green (valid)

2) Validation just does not work.

I really like everything else and it's going to make my life easier if I can stick with Chronoforms, but only if I can fix these 2 issues.
GreyHead 04 Feb, 2011
Hi pinkycat,

Just to confirm you are using ChronoForms v4 or v3?

What entry do you have in the Dynamic To box?

Please post a link to the form so we can take a quick look and check out he validation.

GreyHead 04 Feb, 2011
Hi pinkycat,

The Email Setup all looks OK.

Please turn debug on in the form General Tab, then submit the form and post the debug - including the 'dummy emails' results here.

The validation problem is because your template (or some other component) is loading the jQuery JavaScript library. You can see that validation is Ok when you view the form without the template.

Out of the box jQuery isn't compatible with the MooTools library used by Joomla! and ChronoForms. You can use jQuery with MooTools in no-conflict mode. There are various ways of doing this. The simplest is to add a line of script in the ChronoForms Form JavaScript box:
This will free the $ operator which is used by MooTools, so you may need to update your own javascripts to use the longer jQuery operator.

There is also a neat Joomla! system plugin named SC jQuery that allows you to control on which pages jQuery is loaded, and will always load it in no-conflict mode.

pinkycat 04 Feb, 2011
Hi - thanks for that I will give it a try.

I turned debug on, filled in the form and it didn't produce the error. I turned debug off - checked again and it seems fine.

Very odd?
pinkycat 04 Feb, 2011
Ok - we are getting there.

Validation is trying to work - but on the email it won't accept any email or any content at all.

I have tried it set to 'required' 'required + email' and just 'email' none of them work.

I even have it set to no validation, and it's still trying to validate! Driving me crazy :twisted:

GreyHead 04 Feb, 2011
Hi pinkycat,

You have 'validate-number' set for the email field, if you type in 1234 you'll see that the error message goes away.

GreyHead 04 Feb, 2011
Hi pinkycat,

No idea, maybe something had been cached and got cleared.

If it's working now that's good.

pinkycat 05 Feb, 2011
Hi Bob -

That form must have been buggy - went over the names and validation type several times in 2 hours - never worked.

Created a new form from scratch and works fine.

Thanks for your help - just brought you a beer! 😀
GreyHead 05 Feb, 2011
Hi pinkycat,

Glad you got it working. Thanks for the beer, much appreciated.

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