
chronoforms date picker not showing up

kevcpu411 03 Feb, 2011
I am using Chronoforms and am experiencing an issue with my date fields. If I enter the field name in the textbox under [General Tab] -> [Date Field Settings] -> [Date Field Names] and specify the format as m/d/Y, the date picker does not show up and I am not able to enter data into the date field. It might be worth noting that I created my form using a text editor and thus gave my form fields custom id and name values instead of date_0, text_0, etc. I also have my "Load Chronoforms CSS/JS Files" turned on as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
GreyHead 03 Feb, 2011
Hi kevcpu411,

Please post a link to the form so we can take a quick look.

GreyHead 03 Feb, 2011
Hi kevcpu411,

The datapicker code doesn't seem to have been loaded with the Form HTML. I assume that it should show up for the Date of Birth input?

Do you have 'txtDateOfBirth' in the list of datepicker fields "Date Fields names" on the Form General tab?

kevcpu411 03 Feb, 2011
I took it off for awhile .. but it is back. For some reason, when it is set the txtDateOfBirth field becomes unusable. Also, I am having a problem in the way the validation messages are appearing.
kevcpu411 03 Feb, 2011
See how it is not displaying the date picker? Also, if you put characters in the Amount and How much do you owe fields; the error messages seem to be messing up the floating elements. Question: is there an alternative way to display the error messages when you have form fields side-by-side? I really dont want the form fields displayed in a single column.
GreyHead 03 Feb, 2011
Hi kevcpu411,

The date picker shows up OK in FF, IE8 and Chrome from here. There is a validation problem because the date formats are mismatched.

There's a document here on formatting validation messages. Please see if that gives you what you need.

kevcpu411 03 Feb, 2011
Thanks. This appears to have shed some light on the subject. The only thing now is that I tried to use the LV_invalid to block but it is not forcing the text below the form field. Is there an alternative way to handle this issue when using floating form fields?
GreyHead 03 Feb, 2011
Hi kevcpu411,

You can do it by tweaking the CSS a bit.
.LV_invalid {
  font-size: 80%;
  margin: -10px 0 0 15px;
Just a test - will need more work.
kevcpu411 03 Feb, 2011
Thank you. This is very helpful. So far so good. One more thing, I set the date format to m/d/y but it still requires dd/mm/yyyy. Is there an additional setting I need to set?
GreyHead 05 Feb, 2011
Hi kevcpu411,

There's a hack fix here or you could add a custom validation if you prefer not to hack. There's an example here.

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