
Adding Javascript

westendweb 02 Feb, 2011
I've added some javascript to my Chronoforms form, and, alas, although it works fine in a regular web page, it's not working in Chronoforms. I added the script in the "add javascript here" section of the form code. I did not use <script> tags. What am I doing wrong?

Here's the page in Joomla:

And here's the page as a web page:

And here's the script:

Be gentle, I'm a web designer with only a rudimentary knowledge of programming.
GreyHead 03 Feb, 2011
Hi westendweb,

The problem is that in the ChronoForms version the id and name of the form are 'ChronoContact_BookingRequest', while your test page and the script are using 'regform'.

westendweb 03 Feb, 2011

Thanks, Bob. You're the best.

I can spot missing quote marks and semicolons in HTML and CSS a mile away, and yet miss something this big in javascript with my good glasses on.

GreyHead 03 Feb, 2011
Hi westendweb,

It's always easier with someone else's code :-)

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