
Chronoforms Chronic!!

faizrozaidi 30 Jan, 2011
Guys, im having trouble with chronoforms trying to use chronoforms and integrate with joomla user registration.. But it never attemp to create the user.. I've tweaked here and there but cant find the way to fix it up..

This is the debug after i click submit:

And this is what it looks at the databas:
GreyHead 30 Jan, 2011
Hi faizrozaidi,

Are you using the Joomla! Registration plug-in?

If not, then please do.

The problem (or one of them) with second image is that you didn't select all the inputs when you created the table so only the default ChronoForms columns have been included.

faizrozaidi 31 Jan, 2011
Joomla plug in? do u mean the plug-in at the left side panel..where there's plug in such as CURL, Email verification and such..? If that's what u mean, i've done that..

the problem with the table is because i didnt select all the inputs is it? ok2..i'll give at try first..😉
GreyHead 31 Jan, 2011
Hi faizrozaidi,

Yes, that's the plug-in I mean.

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