Hi all !
I need to create some conditional fields in a form. For a simple example :
What is your job ?
- A
- B
- C
- other
If the person check "other" must appear a input field that is Required. You understand that if the personn check "A" for example it will be a trouble because the new input field still required even if is not shown. For the conditional enable/disable field, I found my answer (I think) on the forum (http://www.chronoengine.com/forums/index.php?option=com_chronoforums&cont=posts&f=5&t=13829&hilit=conditional&start=30).
But I don't know how to do for the required or not field ? I read something about the livevalidation but seems to complicated for a so little thing. I read an other thing about changing the class on the fly, is it possible ? and how ?
Thank you all !
I need to create some conditional fields in a form. For a simple example :
What is your job ?
- A
- B
- C
- other
If the person check "other" must appear a input field that is Required. You understand that if the personn check "A" for example it will be a trouble because the new input field still required even if is not shown. For the conditional enable/disable field, I found my answer (I think) on the forum (http://www.chronoengine.com/forums/index.php?option=com_chronoforums&cont=posts&f=5&t=13829&hilit=conditional&start=30).
But I don't know how to do for the required or not field ? I read something about the livevalidation but seems to complicated for a so little thing. I read an other thing about changing the class on the fly, is it possible ? and how ?
Thank you all !