
Form doesnt submit in Internet Explorer

rahulngupta 29 Jan, 2011
I just checked. The submit error in internet explorer is occurring with all forms.

I created a test form and here is the link:

This works fine with other browsers.

I Upgraded to the latest 3.x version on the site. Also I guess the problem started when I was playing with the SEF settings of my site. Earlier things used to work on IE. At the moment I have disabled all SEF settings.

I request you to please look into the issue.

GreyHead 30 Jan, 2011
Hi Rahul,

It all looks Ok but I guess it will if you have SEF turned off.

You may need to specify that SEF is not used for ChronoForms pages.

rahulngupta 31 Jan, 2011
Thanks for your reply.

Here is how I was temporarily able to resolve the problem.

I have disabled the following lines on the Chronocontact.php file

* if((!JRequest::checkToken()) && $MyForm->formparams('checkToken', 1)){
* echo "You are not allowed to access this URL";
* return;
* }

When this is not disabled I get a no form found with this name error on internet explorer.

SEF is already disabled.

Can you please tell me what is the issue here.

GreyHead 31 Jan, 2011
Hi rahulngupta ,

This is an old problem. You will find many posts about it in the forums here. Joomla! added the CheckToken as an extra security feature in Joomla! 1.5.8 (or thereabouts). Most of the time it works OK but sometimes URL changes from SEF UROLs seem to break the way it works in ChronoForms. There is an option to turn it off on the form General Tab but this has a bug and doesn't work correctly :-( The hack you have made should resolve it. There is a slight security risk but unless you have a high-profile site it probably isn't worth worrying about.

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