
Reply to email from admin backend

deanr 27 Jan, 2011
Hello. I am currently using chronoforms and chrono connectivity to display an enquiry form on a page, the form is saved to the database and the client will view the enquiries either through email or through the backend of chrono connectivity.

I would like to give the client the ability to

a) Reply to the email address provided from within chronoconnectivity in the backend.

b) Mark the enquiry as responded.

Is there any simple way to do this or will it be a much larger job then anticipated?

GreyHead 30 Jan, 2011
Hi deanr,

It's a fairly easy job if you do it through another ChronoForm in the front-end. Much more complex if you do it through the site admin.

Create a new ChronoForm, make it accessible to admins only and set up the DB Connection and Emails to make the changes you need. Link to the new form from the ChronoConnectivity listing making the link visible to admins only.

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