
Profile page plugin: data is added as a new record

coolsha 26 Jan, 2011
Hi All,

I'm new to joomla and chronoforms. I've just started playing with chronoforms. It's amazing, thanks for the great work. I'm trying to use profile page plugin to view and update registered user's other information to a separate table. Everything went fine except the updating part.I can retrieve the data from the table, but if I do any changes and try to save again, data is added to a new row as a new record. It is not updating the previous record. Could anyone plz help me to sort it out. I am using cf_user_id for 'Target field name'.
GreyHead 30 Jan, 2011
Hi coolsha ,

You need to include the primary key for the table (probably cf_id) as hidden input in the profile page to make sure that the same record is updated.
<input type='hidden' name='cf_id' id='cf_id' value='{cf_id}' />  

coolsha 04 Feb, 2011
Hi GrayHead,

Finally I got it worked 🙂 , thank you so much for your help.

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