
Form Validation is not working. It is not doing anything.

doktor 24 Jan, 2011
I have "Load Chronoforms CSS/JS Files" set to "Yes" and "Enable Validation" set to "Yes" and I've got the right form input names listed properly. I have used Chronoforms many times and it never had this problem. In the last 5 or 6 times I have used it the validation just won't work.
Max_admin 26 Jan, 2011

Please make sure that the "Mootools upgrade" Joomla plugins is disabled under the Joomla Plugins Manager.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
doktor 27 Jan, 2011
The plugin is disabled, but validation is still not working.
GreyHead 30 Jan, 2011
Hi doktor,

Please post a link to the form so we can take a quick look.

GreyHead 01 Feb, 2011
Hi doktor,

You probably have the MooTools Upgrade Plugin enabled. This is an optional plug-in that enables the MooTools 1.2 library on your site.

ChronoForms (and many other Joomla! extensions) use the MooTools 1.1.2 library that is installed by default. The ChronoForms Wizard, and other back-end code will not run with the plugin enabled.

If you disable the plug-in then ChronoForms should run correctly.

If you need MooTools 1.2 in the front-end of your site then there is a hack for the plug-in posted in the forums here that will enable the 1.2 library in the front-end only. However the ChronoForms validation code and some other features will not work with this version.

There's a fuller "How-to Document" here that includes fixed files that will let the front-end of ChronoForms work with MooTools 1.2.

fullfusion 04 Feb, 2011
Also, validation is enabled and field names are in place.

GreyHead 04 Feb, 2011
Hi Dan,

I think this is because your inputs don't have type attributes e.g. type='text' set. These aren't strictly required HTML but ChronoForms uses them to identify the type of validation to apply.

fullfusion 04 Feb, 2011
That's exactly what the problem was here, Bob. Thanks!
GreyHead 23 Jul, 2011
Hi sinkarna,

Your template (or some other component) is loading the jQuery JavaScript library. Out of the box jQuery isn't compatible with the MooTools library used by Joomla! and ChronoForms. You can use jQuery with MooTools in no-conflict mode. There are various ways of doing this. The simplest is to add a line of script in the ChronoForms Form JavaScript box:
This will free the $ operator which is used by MooTools, so you may need to update your own javascripts to use the longer jQuery operator.

There is also a neat Joomla! system plugin named SC jQuery that allows you to control on which pages jQuery is loaded, and will always load it in no-conflict mode.

sinkarna 27 Jul, 2011
I've tried both techniques you mentioned here, but it still seems to not be working. I've also been trying to track down the plugins which is doing this, but even then, the form still seems that it's not requiring fields to be Validated.
sinkarna 27 Jul, 2011
Well I finally found my problem! Thanks for the help!
GreyHead 27 Jul, 2011
Hi sinkarna ,

What was the solution in the end? It might be useful to other people as this is a fairly common problem.

growfish 04 Aug, 2011
Adding this to a Load JS event fixed my issue perfectly:


Thanks guys!
chumby 07 Sep, 2011
Hi Guys,

I am having real trouble with this validation. The jQuery.noConflict(); insert didn't make any difference. I have gone through and added all the type="text" entries.

My form is at:

The strange thing is - if I disable the mootools upgrade plugin, then Chronoforms doesnt work correctly - I cant tab across from General, Code to JS Validation etc (Its all the dynamic tab stuff that doesnt work).

How can I tell if mootools is working at all - the file seems to be in the install directory v1.11


chronoforms4esther 07 Sep, 2011
Hi there,

I seem to have the same problem. I've disabled mootools upgrade plugin, and followed up the other suggestions without luck.
The link is

I've just selected an other template as default, now the required fields DO work, but I would like to stick to the old template. Any idea what could be obstructing in the template. I also notices that with a return the form gets submitted too.

Hope you can help.
GreyHead 06 Apr, 2012
Hi murugesan,

Your template (or some other component) is loading the jQuery JavaScript library.

Out of the box jQuery isn't compatible with the MooTools library used by Joomla! and ChronoForms. You can use jQuery with MooTools in no-conflict mode. There are various ways of doing this. The simplest - which may or may not work - is to add a line of script in the ChronoForms Form JavaScript box:
This will free the $ operator which is used by MooTools, so you may need to update your own javascripts to use the longer jQuery operator.

There is also a neat plugin named JB Library from Joomla! Bamboo that allows you to control on which pages jQuery is loaded, and will always load it in no-conflict mode. However this requires that JQuery is loaded using the Joomla Document object methods.

I have a tutorial on Resolving jQuery problems that explores some of the issues an diagnostics and shows how to modify one template example to use the Joomla! Document methods to load JQuery in noConflict mode.

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