
Multi-Page form and dynamic form flow

scouter 24 Jan, 2011
I need to create a form for registering adults and youth for events.

The way it needs to work is that when someone registers, they can add multiple adults and youth to the registration (dad and 2 sons for instance). What I would like to do is display a form with general trip information. From that form I would like to be able to click a button or link to register an adult or youth on a separate form. When the adult or youth is entered I would like it to return to the first form where I could display all people entered so far. When everyone is entered I would like to continue on to the payment form that would allow them to either pay by paypal or mail a check. If they choose PayPal I want to then take them to PayPal for payment. And for both methods of payment I want to send a Thank You email and update the database.

There will probably be one registration record with multiple adult/youth records.

Is this even possible with Chronoforms? I know how to write a custom component to do this. But as there is a different event each month, I was hoping to use a forms manager to handle this.

Thanks in advance
Max_admin 26 Jan, 2011
Hi Cary,

You can but this is not easy to do, you may need 2 missing plugins though, the Paypal and profile plugins, I suggest you use the V4 RC1.2 for this, you may contact me through the "Contact us" page to let me know your project time line and so, because I still don't know when will I'm able to finish those missing plugins.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
GreyHead 30 Jan, 2011
Hi Cary,

You can do this with ChronoForms without too much difficulty.

The only real question I have is how to track the user group until they are all complete. Are all your main users registered? If so then you can tie the entries to the user-Id, if not then I'd put a variable in the User Session to keep track through the loop - just needs to be a 'group_id' code to link the entries together.

Personally I wouldn't use ChronoForms v4 for this unless there was some other compelling reason to use MooTools 1.2. The key plug-ins aren't yet developed and the release is still a bit beta-ish.

scouter 01 Feb, 2011
Thanks for the responses.

Max: The time line is short because we are moving platforms to a Joomla site. This piece of the project has to be finished in the next couple of weeks. So even though V4 would possibly end up being the best solution, it probably isn't best to go that route yet. I might revisit it in the future.

Bob: I was thinking along the same lines as your solution. Having separate forms for each type (adult/youth) and having them write the data out at the end of each form using a group id. My question is how to control the flow. Should the redirect url be set to always go back to the main form? And then have the main form submit to PayPal?

I also need the option of either submitting to PayPal or paying by check. I started down the path of using the Redirect Plugin (PayPal Standard) but don't see how to control whether the redirect happens or not. Any ideas?

GreyHead 02 Feb, 2011
Hi Cary,

I think you are right - redirect each of the sub-forms back to the Parent form and have payment buttons there.

There is not easy way of stopping the ReDirect plug-in (that's in the pipeline for v4 I think). But if you set up the form carefully it should be possible to detect a check payment request and redirect to a cheque form before the ReDirect plug-in runs. You can use the Run Order tab to get some control over when the plug-ins run.

I'd probably two submit buttons for PayPal and cheque payment and detect which was used in one of the OnSubmit code boxes.

The next step is probably a pencil and paper sketch of the workflow.

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