
Chronoforms destroyed itself

mystrdat 05 Dec, 2010

I have a major problem with Chronoforms 3.2.0. Without any modifications, the form backend somehow destroyed itself and a reinstall doesn't help (database cleared, cache cleared). Form code and scripts are randomly output as text, for instance when I try to create a new form, I can see this text output:

f(thisitemtype == 'cf_dreplytoemail'){ theitem.empty(); var newTextbox = new CFTEXTBOX('cf_inputbox', '30', 'dreplytoemail_'+counter); newTextbox.createElement().injectTop(theitem); theitem.addClass('cf_textbox'); var newLabel = new CFLABEL('cf_label', 'Dynamic ReplyTo Email', 'input_'+counter); newLabel.createElement().injectTop(theitem); }else {} form_item = new Element('div').setProperty("class", 'form_item_email'); theitem.injectInside(form_item); theitem = form_item; // add main attributes theitem.getLast().injectHTML('', 'after'); theitem.getLast().setStyle('display', 'none'); theitem.getLast().addEvent('click', function(e) { new Event(e).stop(); this.getParent().remove(); if(($chk($E('input[name^=to_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dto_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=subject_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dsubject_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=fromname_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromname_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=fromemail_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromemail_]', droparea))) ){ droparea.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('CEFF63','CEFF63'); }else{ var email_params = $('params_'+droparea.getProperty('name')).value.split(','); $('params_'+droparea.getProperty('name')).value = email_params[0] + ',' + email_params[1] + ',' + '0,1,1'; $('prop_cf_Email_enable').value = 0; $('prop_cf_Email_enable').disabled = true; droparea.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('FFAEA5','FFAEA5'); } }) theitem.getLast().injectHTML('', 'after'); theitem.addEvents({ 'mouseover': function(e) { //new Event(e).stop(); theitem.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('E7DFE7','E7DFE7');	 }, 'mouseout': function(e) { //new Event(e).stop(); theitem.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('ffffff','ffffff'); }, 'click': function(e) { //new Event(e).stop(); $ES('.form_item_email',droparea).each(function(item2){ item2.setStyle('border', '0px solid #000'); $E('.delete_icon', item2).setStyle('display', 'none'); }); theitem.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('ffffff','ffffff'); theitem.setStyle('border', '1px solid #000');	 $E('.delete_icon', theitem).setStyle('display', 'inline'); }	 }); theitem.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('E7DFE7','E7DFE7'); var dropthis = 1; if((thisitemtype == 'cf_fromemail')||(thisitemtype == 'cf_dfromemail')){ if($chk($E('input[name^=fromemail_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromemail_]', droparea))){ $('logdiv').setText('Only one From Email or Dynamic From Email is accepted per Email'); dropthis = 0; } } if((thisitemtype == 'cf_fromname')||(thisitemtype == 'cf_dfromname')){ if($chk($E('input[name^=fromname_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromname_]', droparea))){ $('logdiv').setText('Only one From Name or Dynamic From Name is accepted per Email'); dropthis = 0; } } if((thisitemtype == 'cf_replytoemail')||(thisitemtype == 'cf_dreplytoemail')){ if($chk($E('input[name^=replytoemail_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dreplytoemail_]', droparea))){ $('logdiv').setText('Only one ReplyTo Email or Dynamic ReplyTo Email is accepted per Email'); dropthis = 0; } } if((thisitemtype == 'cf_replytoname')||(thisitemtype == 'cf_dreplytoname')){ if($chk($E('input[name^=replytoname_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dreplytoname_]', droparea))){ $('logdiv').setText('Only one ReplyTo Name or Dynamic ReplyTo Name is accepted per Email'); dropthis = 0; } } if((thisitemtype == 'cf_subject')||(thisitemtype == 'cf_dsubject')){ if($chk($E('input[name^=subject_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dsubject_]', droparea))){ $('logdiv').setText('Only one Subject or Dynamic Subject is accepted per Email'); dropthis = 0; } } if(dropthis == 1) theitem.injectBefore(droparea.getLast()); counter = counter + 1; if($chk($E('div[class=infodiv]', droparea)))$E('div[class=infodiv]', droparea).remove(); if(($chk($E('input[name^=to_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dto_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=subject_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dsubject_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=fromname_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromname_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=fromemail_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromemail_]', droparea))) ){ droparea.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('CEFF63','CEFF63'); if(droparea.getProperty('id') == 'cf_email_active'){ $('prop_cf_Email_enable').disabled = false; } } //$('emailbuilder').setStyle('height', ($('left_column2').getCoordinates().height + $('top_column2').getCoordinates().height) ); }, 'over': function() { //dropFx.start('98B5C1'); }, 'leave': function() { //dropFx.start('ffffff'); } }); }); //counter = counter + 1; var drag2 = clone.makeDraggable({ droppables: $ES('div[class=cf_email]', $('left_column2')) }); // this returns the dragged element drag2.start(e); // start the event manual }); }); var Tips1 = new ChronoTips($('cf_to')); var Tips2 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dto')); var Tips3 = new ChronoTips($('cf_subject')); var Tips4 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dsubject')); var Tips5 = new ChronoTips($('cf_cc')); var Tips6 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dcc')); var Tips7 = new ChronoTips($('cf_bcc')); var Tips8 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dbcc')); var Tips9 = new ChronoTips($('cf_fromname')); var Tips10 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dfromname')); var Tips11 = new ChronoTips($('cf_fromemail')); var Tips12 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dfromemail')); var Tips90 = new ChronoTips($('cf_replytoname')); var Tips100 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dreplytoname')); var Tips110 = new ChronoTips($('cf_replytoemail')); var Tips120 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dreplytoemail')); var Tipsnew = new ChronoTips($('cf_newemail')); var Tipsdel = new ChronoTips($('cf_delemail')); }); window.addEvent('domready', function() { var top ;//= $('right_column').getPosition().y - 2; var marginChange = new Fx.Style('right_column', 'margin-top', {wait:false, duration:500, transition:Fx.Transitions.Elastic.easeOut});	 window.addEvent('scroll', function() { if(!top)top = $('right_column').getPosition().y; marginChange.start(Math.max(0, window.getScrollTop() - top)); }); });

Any clues?

Many thanks in advance.
GreyHead 05 Dec, 2010
Hi mystrdat ,

Do you have the MooTools Upgrade plug-in enabled? If so please disable it and see if the problem goes away. This isn't a typical symptom but it's worth checking.

If that isn't the problem then please contact Max using the Contact Us form here. There is an occasional bug reported every few weeks where JavaScript shows in the Admin area. I don't know if he has found a fix for it as it's hard to reproduce :-(

mystrdat 05 Dec, 2010
Hello GreyHead and many thanks for a quick reply!

Don't have the Mootools Upgrade plugin enabled, but after some mild violence, I reaped the truth from my unfortunate colleague. He apparently tried to set a SEF url through JoomSEF for a parameter on the chronoforms url string for the ?option=com_chronocontact&task=send&chronoformname=whatever string that is called when form is sent. I can see how kinda stupid this is in relation to your forms, but as hard as I tried clearing all cache and related tables on the JoomSEF plugin, the problem sticks - I even tried uninstalling both. He did this a couple hours ago, maybe that's the reason, maybe not, but that's the only thing I have that could be the culprit.

Could it be related and in case it is, any ideas on how to get rid of it?
Mail sent to Max either way.

Thanks a lot again.
GreyHead 05 Dec, 2010
Hi mystrdat ,

The SEF change might not help the form but it probably isn't causing this problem :-(

Let's see if Max has any bright ideas.

mystrdat 05 Dec, 2010
Hey again GreyHead,

not even 10 minutes ago, it just fixed itself somehow. Well it does still show the code SOMETIME (like 10% chance?), but refreshing the page can fix that. Can't really say anything that could help as to why this all happened, I got absolutely no clue whatsoever. GHOST IN THE MACHINE!!!

Many thanks for all your help, I think you got a new customer for your services.
Great support.
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