I have a major problem with Chronoforms 3.2.0. Without any modifications, the form backend somehow destroyed itself and a reinstall doesn't help (database cleared, cache cleared). Form code and scripts are randomly output as text, for instance when I try to create a new form, I can see this text output:
Any clues?
Many thanks in advance.
I have a major problem with Chronoforms 3.2.0. Without any modifications, the form backend somehow destroyed itself and a reinstall doesn't help (database cleared, cache cleared). Form code and scripts are randomly output as text, for instance when I try to create a new form, I can see this text output:
f(thisitemtype == 'cf_dreplytoemail'){ theitem.empty(); var newTextbox = new CFTEXTBOX('cf_inputbox', '30', 'dreplytoemail_'+counter); newTextbox.createElement().injectTop(theitem); theitem.addClass('cf_textbox'); var newLabel = new CFLABEL('cf_label', 'Dynamic ReplyTo Email', 'input_'+counter); newLabel.createElement().injectTop(theitem); }else {} form_item = new Element('div').setProperty("class", 'form_item_email'); theitem.injectInside(form_item); theitem = form_item; // add main attributes theitem.getLast().injectHTML('', 'after'); theitem.getLast().setStyle('display', 'none'); theitem.getLast().addEvent('click', function(e) { new Event(e).stop(); this.getParent().remove(); if(($chk($E('input[name^=to_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dto_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=subject_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dsubject_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=fromname_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromname_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=fromemail_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromemail_]', droparea))) ){ droparea.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('CEFF63','CEFF63'); }else{ var email_params = $('params_'+droparea.getProperty('name')).value.split(','); $('params_'+droparea.getProperty('name')).value = email_params[0] + ',' + email_params[1] + ',' + '0,1,1'; $('prop_cf_Email_enable').value = 0; $('prop_cf_Email_enable').disabled = true; droparea.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('FFAEA5','FFAEA5'); } }) theitem.getLast().injectHTML('', 'after'); theitem.addEvents({ 'mouseover': function(e) { //new Event(e).stop(); theitem.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('E7DFE7','E7DFE7'); }, 'mouseout': function(e) { //new Event(e).stop(); theitem.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('ffffff','ffffff'); }, 'click': function(e) { //new Event(e).stop(); $ES('.form_item_email',droparea).each(function(item2){ item2.setStyle('border', '0px solid #000'); $E('.delete_icon', item2).setStyle('display', 'none'); }); theitem.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('ffffff','ffffff'); theitem.setStyle('border', '1px solid #000'); $E('.delete_icon', theitem).setStyle('display', 'inline'); } }); theitem.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('E7DFE7','E7DFE7'); var dropthis = 1; if((thisitemtype == 'cf_fromemail')||(thisitemtype == 'cf_dfromemail')){ if($chk($E('input[name^=fromemail_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromemail_]', droparea))){ $('logdiv').setText('Only one From Email or Dynamic From Email is accepted per Email'); dropthis = 0; } } if((thisitemtype == 'cf_fromname')||(thisitemtype == 'cf_dfromname')){ if($chk($E('input[name^=fromname_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromname_]', droparea))){ $('logdiv').setText('Only one From Name or Dynamic From Name is accepted per Email'); dropthis = 0; } } if((thisitemtype == 'cf_replytoemail')||(thisitemtype == 'cf_dreplytoemail')){ if($chk($E('input[name^=replytoemail_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dreplytoemail_]', droparea))){ $('logdiv').setText('Only one ReplyTo Email or Dynamic ReplyTo Email is accepted per Email'); dropthis = 0; } } if((thisitemtype == 'cf_replytoname')||(thisitemtype == 'cf_dreplytoname')){ if($chk($E('input[name^=replytoname_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dreplytoname_]', droparea))){ $('logdiv').setText('Only one ReplyTo Name or Dynamic ReplyTo Name is accepted per Email'); dropthis = 0; } } if((thisitemtype == 'cf_subject')||(thisitemtype == 'cf_dsubject')){ if($chk($E('input[name^=subject_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dsubject_]', droparea))){ $('logdiv').setText('Only one Subject or Dynamic Subject is accepted per Email'); dropthis = 0; } } if(dropthis == 1) theitem.injectBefore(droparea.getLast()); counter = counter + 1; if($chk($E('div[class=infodiv]', droparea)))$E('div[class=infodiv]', droparea).remove(); if(($chk($E('input[name^=to_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dto_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=subject_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dsubject_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=fromname_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromname_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=fromemail_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromemail_]', droparea))) ){ droparea.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('CEFF63','CEFF63'); if(droparea.getProperty('id') == 'cf_email_active'){ $('prop_cf_Email_enable').disabled = false; } } //$('emailbuilder').setStyle('height', ($('left_column2').getCoordinates().height + $('top_column2').getCoordinates().height) ); }, 'over': function() { //dropFx.start('98B5C1'); }, 'leave': function() { //dropFx.start('ffffff'); } }); }); //counter = counter + 1; var drag2 = clone.makeDraggable({ droppables: $ES('div[class=cf_email]', $('left_column2')) }); // this returns the dragged element drag2.start(e); // start the event manual }); }); var Tips1 = new ChronoTips($('cf_to')); var Tips2 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dto')); var Tips3 = new ChronoTips($('cf_subject')); var Tips4 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dsubject')); var Tips5 = new ChronoTips($('cf_cc')); var Tips6 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dcc')); var Tips7 = new ChronoTips($('cf_bcc')); var Tips8 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dbcc')); var Tips9 = new ChronoTips($('cf_fromname')); var Tips10 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dfromname')); var Tips11 = new ChronoTips($('cf_fromemail')); var Tips12 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dfromemail')); var Tips90 = new ChronoTips($('cf_replytoname')); var Tips100 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dreplytoname')); var Tips110 = new ChronoTips($('cf_replytoemail')); var Tips120 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dreplytoemail')); var Tipsnew = new ChronoTips($('cf_newemail')); var Tipsdel = new ChronoTips($('cf_delemail')); }); window.addEvent('domready', function() { var top ;//= $('right_column').getPosition().y - 2; var marginChange = new Fx.Style('right_column', 'margin-top', {wait:false, duration:500, transition:Fx.Transitions.Elastic.easeOut}); window.addEvent('scroll', function() { if(!top)top = $('right_column').getPosition().y; marginChange.start(Math.max(0, window.getScrollTop() - top)); }); });
Any clues?
Many thanks in advance.