'Name 2 email address', 'em3'=>'Name 3 email address','em4'=>'Name 4 email address','em5'=>'Name 5 email address','em6'=>'Name 6 email address');$MyForm =& CFChronoForm::getInstance('form_name_here');$MyFormEmails =& CFEMails::getInstance($MyForm->formrow->id);$MyFormEmails->setEmailData(1, 'to', $emails_2[$_POST['recipients']]);?>5 - In my "Email Setup" I have:Dynamic To (I learned I needed this from a forum post)SubjectFrom NameFrom EmailReply To nameReply To email7 - What variable do I put in the Dynamic To? Is it just the word "recipients" (without quotes?I am confused by this. Nothing I have tried has worked.Any help is appreciated. Thanks!"> SOLVED - FAQ 31: Trouble getting to work - Forums


SOLVED - FAQ 31: Trouble getting to work

cb1 02 Dec, 2010

1 - I have Chronocontact 3.2 installed.

2 - I have followed the FAQ #31.

3 - The code I should have is this:
Select the recipient you wish to contact:
<select name="recipients">
  <option value="em1">Name 1(real name inserted)</option>
  <option value="em2">Name 2(real name inserted)</option>
  <option value="em3">Name 3(real name inserted)</option>
  <option value="em1">Name 4(real name inserted)</option>
  <option value="em2">Name 5(real name inserted)</option>
  <option value="em3">Name 6(real name inserted)</option>

4 - The code in the "On Submit - Before Send" is this:
$emails_2 = array('em1'=>'Name 1 email address', 'em2'=>'Name 2 email address', 'em3'=>'Name 3 email address','em4'=>'Name 4 email address','em5'=>'Name 5 email address','em6'=>'Name 6 email address');
$MyForm =& CFChronoForm::getInstance('form_name_here');
$MyFormEmails =& CFEMails::getInstance($MyForm->formrow->id);
$MyFormEmails->setEmailData(1, 'to', $emails_2[$_POST['recipients']]);

5 - In my "Email Setup" I have:
Dynamic To (I learned I needed this from a forum post)
From Name
From Email
Reply To name
Reply To email

7 - What variable do I put in the Dynamic To? Is it just the word "recipients" (without quotes?

I am confused by this. Nothing I have tried has worked.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
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